Search results

  1. Jason S

    Eggcellent drone PowerEgg, coolest ever?

    interesting idea he is the website if anybody is interested
  2. Jason S

    How to rescue my lost drone

    "and I will always love you" hahaha damn it
  3. Jason S

    Drone boarding

    saw this one yesterday also hehehehe
  4. Jason S

    Spectrum Analyzer the rf explorer

    No uses Spectrum Analyzers on this forum???
  5. Jason S

    Naza Multi rotor controler from a phantom and a pmu v2

    is the the light sequence ok? I have futuba t6j on my original phantom with dji450 escs for some reason to get gps lock the throttle needs to centre. then after the motor start i need to raise the throttle past half way to get it to spin up then take off
  6. Jason S

    Spectrum Analyzer the rf explorer

    A little update tested my fpv system 1.3ghz. yep it works can see my transitter turning off and on. great. They is something transmitting in my or nearby my office at 2410ghz -46 so cant see my radio turn on or off. I have tested started engines inside with props off no problems though. can...
  7. Jason S

    Spectrum Analyzer the rf explorer

    Hey Guys, So i bought a RF explorer recently Does anyone one own one? can give me a few pointers on how to set-it up. looking for 2.4g and 1.3ghz range I thought this would add a bit of extra safety to our...
  8. Jason S

    Q&A with Max Tubman (@Maxwelltub) of XM2 Aerials

    Hey @maxwelltub Now the 2015 IDE Show is over can you share some more details??
  9. Jason S

    Study project about airbags for drones - thoughts?

    interesting project whats the payload like??
  10. Jason S

    Alta Price goes UP - A LOT.... $11,995.00 WHAT?!?!?!

    Im gonna wait until freefly builds it's alta heavylift its been working on to lift the movi XL Once that gets released maybe next year? I bet the alta price will drop
  11. Jason S

    Q&A with Max Tubman (@Maxwelltub) of XM2 Aerials

    @maxwelltub can give some details about that rig please?? motors esc prop size etc ?
  12. Jason S

    Q&A with Max Tubman (@Maxwelltub) of XM2 Aerials

    just checked them out this rig is insane:):)
  13. Jason S

    Alta Price goes UP - A LOT.... $11,995.00 WHAT?!?!?!

    no Bart they is only one that I know about that the one posted on the freefly forum. It got sent back for review and testing.
  14. Jason S

    Drones for Delivering Packages....

    drone lands to drop off package. kill the power free drone
  15. Jason S

    Phantom 1 Flashing RED

    have you done the compass dance also?? i believe my old phantom had some problem but i am going with bart here saying batteries first
  16. Jason S

    360video - Landing my multicopter in a barrel (nLanding my multicopter in a barrel (not crashing)

    cool rig!! looks like you need a second person to catch it hahaha
  17. Jason S

    Need FPV Screen Recommendations

    check readymade rc i have never seen the split before but would be interested to see if can work. Most of the screens i have tried (not fpv specific go blue screen which is never good for fpv you could try something...
  18. Jason S

    Mikrokopter Cinestar 8 with mk2.1 gps not working. Need help

    please post what some screens shots of the mktools, have you checked your switches to make sure your activating ph and comehome?
  19. Jason S

    Red Raven.

    I think that gimbal is actually a movi m10 gimbal with the new alta landing gear. just saying Now who`s got a spare 10k or so to give me so i can buy one!! :)