How to rescue my lost drone

Had a minor glitch on my first flight with this drone, any thoughts on how to save it would be much appreciated. Skip to 7:20 to see what happened to it.



fly a larger drone with a fpv camera pointed down and a hook on a string and then you can try to lift it up. or go to the near by fire station and ask them.


I think you can get a really long stick somewhere. I know you can find long things in hardware stores but having to buy something will prolly cost as much as the thing. Unless you buy some long sticks and connect them together then return it that would work. I have a 10 foot long wooden stick I got at lowes I think I use to put a tv antenna on my balcony.

Thanks Hoki, not sure if the fire department would like me calling them for this tho,lol. It is about 40 feet high, would need one heck of a long stick probably not possible but maybe.

JoeBob that was my first thought but sadly it is a tree that needs to stay(don't think the drone would survive the tree falling anyway), and with trailers all around it would be hard to just cut one branch without breaking something.


TD- sorry about your tree landing. I was going to recommend the ol' slingshot with heavy nut attached to a line method, but those branches create quite an impressive barrier around where that quad appears hung up.

I have had to resort to all kinds of retrieval methods in the past. Since it is my property I have lots of flexibility as to methodologies.

I hope this works out.



Ph the local arborist. it will cost a small fee. They wont need to cut the tree down, they have the tools to recover it.


Ah, trees. The natural predators of quads. It's a great excuse to get a larger copter with a grappling hook.

It finally fell down by itself and good news it works fine, it even still had some juice in the battery, this after being in the tree for 2 winter months of snow,rain,deep freeze and all that.
