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  1. J

    Tethered MR Flights - does anyone use this technique

    Score double zero for comprehension. It's your approach that's hard to understand, bart - from several angles. Firstly, your response to my post was unnecessarily aggressive, particularly since you failed to understand what I'd actually written. Secondly, you claim to be a trained engineer and...
  2. J

    Tethered MR Flights - does anyone use this technique

    Score zero for comprehension. My remark was a dig at the FAA - not you or anyone else who employs this technique. Please also note that I qualified my proposition with the word "possibly", in acknowledgement of the fact that I haven't tried this myself. Nevertheless, it's not difficult to...
  3. J

    Tethered MR Flights - does anyone use this technique

    The irony is that such a technique is possibly just as dangerous to nearby people/property, if not more so, than free flight.
  4. J

    CAME 6000 Two Axis Gimbal

    Why a two-axis? They offer the 3-axis 7000 model for about the same price, including one that looks like it will bolt straight on to a multi:
  5. J

    Forum members - What's the face behind the user name?

    Looks like you broke the rules: never get them wet and never give them red wine after midnight! Good thing you had a friend there to help you subdue it ;)
  6. J

    Gongrats to Aerial MOB and Mr. Kloner......well done

    More foolish and red-tape laden than they already look? ;) Many journalists have fallen for the conspiracy theory of government. I do assure you that they would produce more accurate work if they adhered to the ****-up theory. —Bernard Ingham
  7. J

    Gongrats to Aerial MOB and Mr. Kloner......well done

    From that article: Plenty of other uses meet would/could meet those criteria, perhaps even more so than film production - agriculture, search & rescue, etc. I cannot understand why the FAA is dragging their heels on this - it doesn't make any sense, considering the pressure they're under. In...
  8. J

    2 motors heating up ???

    Well, usual culprit would be motors not mounted dead upright on tubular arms - but if you could post a pic of your rig somebody might spot a clue.
  9. J

    2 motors heating up ???

    It is likely to be because of an imbalance or "skew" in the rig. The quad is trying to yaw in one direction (CW) and the two motors that oppose that yaw are having to do extra work in order to oppose it. Make sure everything is straight, balanced, level and tight.
  10. J

    $65K drone crashed: why you should never touch your copter while it is airborne :)

    Interesting thread ;) I'm not so sure he was a pu$$y for running away. He will have realised two things pretty quickly after the "impact" - 1) that the machine was basically "out of control", i.e. not responding as it should and therefore unpredictable and 2) that, resting against the umbrella...
  11. J

    Heat shrink on step down regulator?

    Heatshrinking it will also help protect those soldered joints against vibration and bending - so make sure the heatshrink goes a little way up the wire, like on an ESC.
  12. J

    Mouses for iMac's

    Apple's mouse is fine unless you've got big hands in which case the Logitech MX Revolution is "the biz" :)
  13. J

    Who adds capacitors to their power train

    Definitely at the ESC end - as close as possible to the ESC (as they come from the factory). No good putting them anywhere else, unfortunately. By "in tube" do you mean you have your ESCs inside the tubular arm? - that looks cool but not good for heat dissipation (which is what will eventually...
  14. J

    Who adds capacitors to their power train

    Assuming your are in the USA - you can try, (in US?) or - I'm sure there are many other sources that folk here can suggest. You specifically need "Low ESR" types - nothing else will do. The two big names are Panasonic (FR Series) and Rubicon (don't know the...
  15. J

    How does this keep happening... what can we do about it?

    Claims to be "not professional", i.e. no reward therefore "recreational use", not subject to CAA rules. Still a jerk though - the River Thames through London is one of the busiest helicopter air corridors in the world - so maybe what he did was illegal anyway - try sending an email to the CAA :)
  16. J

    Who adds capacitors to their power train

    I guess the only way to truly understand the role of capacitors in the power feed is to remove them all and go flying - see what happens. I'm not going to try it with my rig - any volunteers? :) I treat the capacitors like bearings - parts that are likely to wear out or destroy themselves -...
  17. J

    Av200 indirect drive brushless upgrade demo

    It's my understanding that the PH motors are from Maxon - don't know if they are standard off-the-shelf or a custom wind. Looks like the motor body comes from the EC45 Flat range, which has 30W, 50W and 70W variants - the "height" of the PH motor suggests the 50W version. I have some EC45 Flat...
  18. J

    Forget Red, BMCC, GH4...

    The new "must have" camera: :nevreness:
  19. J

    Power distribution board vs power harness

    I like that - neat, efficient, compact - better than any PDB you can buy, at any price :)