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  1. Treg

    differnet quad body shapes

    You are correct the back arm is 50mm longer, the motors are 3D Robotics 850kv, the props are also 3D Robotics 1047, the battery is 4s 40c 4400mah, as far as time I will be happy if it just flys lol
  2. Treg

    differnet quad body shapes

    I would be careful with alum frame because it is a conductor and may block your signal if the rx is inside. I cut mine from 1/4" ABS
  3. Treg

    differnet quad body shapes

    Finished finally, 1 motor defective waiting for replacement then maiden flight. Added some lighting for effect, the front ones flash.
  4. Treg

    Landing Pad for Multi Rotors

    Here is my landing pad built from plywood and it folds with handles 36x36
  5. Treg

    differnet quad body shapes

    Almost finished, need 1 motor 1 is defective, adding GPS now, I hope to maiden fly next week.
  6. Treg

    NAZA Lite problems

    I am getting all the right light signals as far as atti-gps-manual-fail safe-rth, just not the 4 green on start up, I have 3 others 1 NAZA-M V1 and 2 NAZA-H and they all give the 4 light ? the manual says it should have 4 green at the end of start up, if not to contact them which I did just...
  7. Treg

    NAZA Lite problems

    Thanks kloner, but I found the problem with the motors, (simply a bad jumper throttle cable) but I still get only 3 green lights at start up, not sure if that is a problem or not.
  8. Treg

    NAZA Lite problems

    I forgot about that thank you I just haven't hooked up the GPS yet. But I still can't arm the motors and only 3 green lights on start up.
  9. Treg

    NAZA Lite problems

    I got it to communicate with the assistant and all setting are fine now except RTH will not activate, and I can not power up the motors, I still get only 3 greens on start up.
  10. Treg

    NAZA Lite problems

    I can not get the assistant to connect to the MC, on start up 1 get only 3 green lights at the end then fast yellow flashing. When I hook up to the assistant I get green light but I get the MC power On red light. I have other NAZAs that work great, can't seem to get this one to work, any help...
  11. Treg

    differnet quad body shapes

    It was between this or model plywood, I had this laying around, it is 1/4" abs plastic very strong not to flexible which is good and I cut it with my Dremel using a universal bit.
  12. Treg

    differnet quad body shapes

    This frame is based on the F550 frame I have a spare for my F550, traced it and just used three arms, every other one then expanded it a little. This is a Y6.
  13. Treg

    differnet quad body shapes

    Here is one that I am building myself from scratch soon to be complete.
  14. Treg

    Anyone here using a PhotoShip One gimbal mount for F550?

    Very close mine are made of Titanium and the rubber tips were added to keep them from sliding off my heilpad, I have been using these for about 2 years.
  15. Treg

    Anyone here using a PhotoShip One gimbal mount for F550?

    It is not the same but very close.
  16. Treg

    Anyone here using a PhotoShip One gimbal mount for F550?

    No props in view at all, not yet anyhow.
  17. Treg

    Anyone here using a PhotoShip One gimbal mount for F550?

    I have mine hanging out front a ways and it flies perfect as you can see I carry a heavy load 2400g.
  18. Treg


    PeteDee I have the same one but am having trouble finding a sim card for it, where did you get your sim card and what kind? Inst. say it must be a 2G.
  19. Treg

    F550 F450 ESC held on with zip tie..any other ideas???

    If you extend the wires you can mount them on the bottom plate with mounting tape.
  20. Treg

    Show us your FPV Multicopter

    2350g with 4s 4400mah 9.4 blades