Interesting problem...........................


Just finished with my build, X650 conversion and once she is fired up, the motors show strong and she sounds like she wants to fly. But the power doesn't kick in until she's at about 70%. I can get her off the ground and a few feet up and then she wants to jerk back and right (M4 side) and attempt to back flip but leaning more to the right. Any suggestions on what may be casuing this?



Maybe double check the actual ESC plugs are on the Naza in the correct order while you are looking at it.
calibration correct through the assistant software?


Notice that the rear motor (m4) was turning a little slower, so I changed out the motor with a ne fresh one. It appeared to be stronger, checked the prop direction, checked the motor direction. Took her out for a mintue and still the same issue. BTW did re-cali the esc. So, I'm stuck like chuck. Going to change out the esc next. The most important thing I've learned about owning a multirotor, and that is always have spare parts. It makes life so much better when you can just replace something instead of waiting for a deliverly


Notice that the rear motor (m4) was turning a little slower, so I changed out the motor with a ne fresh one. It appeared to be stronger, checked the prop direction, checked the motor direction. Took her out for a mintue and still the same issue. BTW did re-cali the esc. So, I'm stuck like chuck. Going to change out the esc next. The most important thing I've learned about owning a multirotor, and that is always have spare parts. It makes life so much better when you can just replace something instead of waiting for a deliverly

Careful, though, as thamessy of thinking can be a slippery slope. Take it from someone who knows. I'm t the point where ReadyHeli calls me to check on my stock!! ;)

All joking aside, yes, it certainly simplifies things by having spares. Whenever I go and buy a new kit, like a T-Rex 450 Pro for instance, I usually just save myself the effort of investigating which parts I need double of and simply buy two kits for future-proofing my learning curve! In the end, I have way too many parts left over, so I cannot recommend following my crazy habits, but I can also say that my helis are rarely grounded due to lack of a unforeseen spare part.

Anyway, have fun and be safe! Nice day to all!

Jonathan ;)


Ok, she's been in the air for the last two days, but there are still some minor issues. First number 2 and number 4 motors are running a little hotter than the other two. Avg temp for number 2 and 4 is 87 to 90. Avg temp for number 1 and 3 is 78. She'll take off with no problems and thenabout three mintues into flight she loses power, I have to land her and cut the motors. I wait about 30 sec and fire her back up, #4 looks like and is runnig slower thatn the other motors. I increase power to about 60% and #4 appears to cattch up. However I have to apply atleast 80-90 power to get her into the air. Once airborne she flies fairly good. I noticed today that if I goose the throttle she will lean towards #4 like she wants to flip. I changed motors out, re-did my wring connections, re-cal the esc and am out of things to do. Anyone got any suggetions?



I recommend a thorough check of motor alignment for all the motors. Even minor offsets may induce significant asymmetries in power distrbution due to the yaw control modus operandi.
Please report your findings, I am interested. :)


Aerial DP
if she has the sloflyer props,,,,, the temps are normal

the part where she doesn't fly long sounds like a battery dieing..... when you get to the point it won't fly, measure the voltage and tell us what you see


ok, I have re-aligned the motors, triple check the connections even added a power distr board. She gets into the air and after about 3 mintues she starts to lose power. I land her re-start the motors (Voltage 12.1) and she is up and running. Power does appear to be decreasedby about 20%. I have to give her 100% throttle to get her off the ground. Once off the ground I can decrease the throttle to about 40 - 60%. She appears to want to land after about 2 mintues. So I land her and check the motor temps. (See Pictures) #4 appears to be the hottest folowed by #2 - Outside temp 75% Wind Speed 4mph - Sunny - Final Voltage 11.8

View attachment 6540View attachment 6541View attachment 6542View attachment 6543

Pic 2 - Motor #4 - Pic 3 - Motor #2 - Pic 4 - Motor # 3


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116 Farenheit is not an issue. Equals 47 Celcius - that is not hot at all.
I suppose your charger measures how many mAh it can get in to your used battery. So what is your battery capacity and how many mAh has it charged when complete?
It might simply be your setup is not very optimized with regards to auw, battery, motior and props...


Aerial DP
can we get a voltage number when it's in the air? towards when it doesn't want to stay up anymore?

if you taking off in atti mode, is it possible to take off in manual then flip to atti in the sky and see if it does all the same behaviors?


Batteries 5000mAh 20 & 35 Burst - charged to 12.4 -5

116 Farenheit is not an issue. Equals 47 Celcius - that is not hot at all.
I suppose your charger measures how many mAh it can get in to your used battery. So what is your battery capacity and how many mAh has it charged when complete?
It might simply be your setup is not very optimized with regards to auw, battery, motior and props...


have done manual and flipped to atti and manual to GPS - voltage when coming down ranges between 12.1 & 11.9

can we get a voltage number when it's in the air? towards when it doesn't want to stay up anymore?

if you taking off in atti mode, is it possible to take off in manual then flip to atti in the sky and see if it does all the same behaviors?


Aerial DP
i think the motors are just flat wrong for 10" props...... do you have any 8 or 9" props? can you try them for me
