Zero UAV Zero UAV YS-X6 [Owners Thread] *Autopilot system for multirotors*


2600 mah battery for 65Amp Esc?. I think you have a problem there.
Ok, if you are using a 65 amp esc, that means that you have big motors.
With 2600 amp battery, you need a lot of C's to mantain the battery level.
Describe your configuration please


2600 mah battery for 65Amp Esc?. I think you have a problem there.
Ok, if you are using a 65 amp esc, that means that you have big motors.
With 2600 amp battery, you need a lot of C's to mantain the battery level.
Describe your configuration please

Thank you for responding. Its a dream to get it running after these years, so I really do apprishiate your help. :)
Do you mean that the Lipo's are small for it!?

Motor :
4112-320KV Turnigy Multistar 22 Pole Brushless Multi-Rotor Motor.

webside :

Esc :
Turnigy AE-65A Brushless ESC

Webside :

Radio : My Radio is a T7chp Futaba. ( and It has only one 3 way key!! )

The radio :

I have assigned a new channal (10 to the Zero X6 )
Type > Acro ( on "ppm " I dont see any failsafe there is failsafe only on " pcm" )

Th-Cut > on
rate 0%
Sw > D

End Pont

all channals from 1 to 7 are all 100 %

Sub Trim

all channals are at " 0 " from 1 to 7


all channels are Normal


TH CUT > off
RATE > 0%

Fail safe all Channels Normal Only ch.3 is reverse.

I dont know what else to write.
I have done another channel , but just assigned a new channel to it and have not set it up totally ( read the holl manual Again )
Please tell me where to start. I have red the manual but I havent had anyone to write ( talk ) back and foword to solve the problems and now I just am stock, so I have started a new ch. hopefully you could tell me how to set it up Please...

Thank you
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1) I dont`t have any X6, i have two X4, but i think is similar, so if anyone having X6 can help, better.
2) I think that 2600MAH battery for that motors is too small. How many C are your batteries?
3) is this a QUAD, TRI, HEXA, OCTO...?

This is what i will do.

Considering that you are using ESC's that are not specific for multi, i will check EACH ESC so all of them are programmed the same way.
Here is the user manual:

Then, connect one ESC and one Motor, to the THROTTLE channel of your receiver (forget the X6 right now)and proceed according to the "Throttle range setting" in the ESC user manual. Do the same with each Motor and ESC, so you are sure that all motors and ESC's are working ok.

Then, connect the ESC and motors to the X6.

Using your Tablet or mobile, connect to the controller, and go to the INSTALLATION GUIDE button on the last page of the SET. (at least there is in my version).
Follow the step by step installation and test it.

In case you need help from ZEROUAV, you can contact Tony by mail: or SKYPE: tonyzerotech
He is a very kind person and may help you better than me.

Let me know your progress.

good luck.



Hi Again
I will do so, Thank you very much. Actially if I could contact him throu Skype that would be wonderfull because he can see what the problem is or not is :) and help me better.
In the mean while this is the info about the bat.
Which bat. do you recommend?

It is a QuadCOpter and I have choisen the X style.(sry my bad English)
The Lipo's are each 2600 35C.

The failsafe !!? Do you know what I should do with the PPM Things!?

I have been reading the manuel and I just can not get the Futaba!!!
My Rx Works only on ppm mode But then I dont have any failsafe when the ppm is on!!?, and when I change it to pcm I have failsafe but my reciver wont speak to the TX!!
Do I have to use another reciever?
thank you very much...
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Until now I havent got any of the answers !! Can someone please tell me if the 2600 amp is to Little for my setup.

I have changed the timing on all esc's to high, and the throttle range for all of them is set too, Is there anything else I have to do before I reinstall everything back to the Zeroys-X6?

Thank you


Is very dificult to know if the battery is enough or not, but of course, don't expect long flying times.
You need to know the power consuption, what propellers are you using?
You are trying to do all at the same time, an this is not good.

1) Configure your ESC, the default values that comes from factory, are ok.
2) configure the throtle range setting.
3) Configure X6 with motors and esc connected (NO PROPELLERS)
Is everything ok and working?
Forget about the failsafe and the battery low voltage alarm until you are done with the first 3 points and everything works.


Is very dificult to know if the battery is enough or not, but of course, don't expect long flying times.
You need to know the power consuption, what propellers are you using?
You are trying to do all at the same time, an this is not good.

1) Configure your ESC, the default values that comes from factory, are ok.
2) configure the throtle range setting.
3) Configure X6 with motors and esc connected (NO PROPELLERS)
Is everything ok and working?
Forget about the failsafe and the battery low voltage alarm until you are done with the first 3 points and everything works.
Hi and Thank you Brother .
At last I have a Little smile on my Face Tonight :). I think the Throttle range was different from esc to esc, that is why yesterday when I went out to try the GPS and see if i could just fly abet, it gave me a headake. I couldnt arm it and other problems too.

:) But now I have throttle range ever esc, and suddentlly Wolla, I can arm it, and I can throttle up and Down and when I move the other stics
"Alleron f.example, I can hear that the motors make different sounds that would mean that it is actially getting commands from my Radio .....:)
For the first time . I love this site:)
SO now i have to see offcourse if tomarrow when I go out what will happens.
Until then....
Have a Nice evening if you are in EU, and have a Great Evening if you are in Asia, and have a Wonderfull evening if you are somewhere else. Thank you Again Brother...


Hi Everyone
Sry I really know it is a stupet question,but my knowlage about these Things are limited and I really am learning everyday.

Could you please tell me if I am right or not( just to make shore).
I get all this Voltage Low Problem!!?
Is that because on my Fone when I throttle up I can see that the "AP" Voltage is at around 12V ( I am feeding 12 volt to the Board and 6S(24v) to the Esc's and Its the AP Voltage which gets red when ever I throttle up?
Should I use the same 24V , 6S Lipo's for the Board and everything else too?
Its not to much is it?

Thank you
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Can anyone tell me where I can find the motion compensation!!!?
I just cant find it on my CG....:(
the quad is shaking and only the two back motors come on with minimun throttle!!?
Anyone know why Please, and what I should do?

Thank you
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Hi Please Help me !!?

I have a Zero-x6 that have never flown !! :( I set it up and in the same time I contacted the their support group in China over skype. They tolled me to upgrade it, and as soon as I did so I had all sorts of trouble !!? What I want to do is downgrade it to the firmware it had before. It has been sitting here in my room for couple of years now, and I have paid for something that I have never used yet!!!?
Please help me.
Someone was so kind to send me the links to do it, but at that time I had to travel, and I came back and I had forgotten everything about it.
I will be gratefull if anyone can help me so that I can get it working at last....

Thank you very much in advance


Hello Bisgi,

I can send you following upgrade files. I found this on the internet: YS-X6-P-firmware-20131001-Enc.arm
But I just received the latest upgrade file from Zerouav directly: YS-X6-20140506-A-Enc.arm
Maybe someone can explain the difference in firmware versions.

But I have a problem with upgrading also. I can connect to a generic USB ttl converter on a COM port, but the upgrade program only shows a couple of zeros and sometimes scrolling wierd signs. But no upgrade of firmware.
I connected the USB converter to the COM1 port of the flightcontroller. With the black GND wire in the middle, but uncertain how the green TXD and the white RXD should go. I tried both ways, but no luck.
I am running 64 bits laptop with Windows 7 installed.
I hope someone has a good idea............
View attachment 27246 View attachment 27247


  • USB converter pin layout.jpg
    USB converter pin layout.jpg
    27.5 KB · Views: 501
  • Upgrade screenshot.png
    Upgrade screenshot.png
    31.9 KB · Views: 492


Hello Bisgi,

I can send you following upgrade files. I found this on the internet: YS-X6-P-firmware-20131001-Enc.arm
But I just received the latest upgrade file from Zerouav directly: YS-X6-20140506-A-Enc.arm
Maybe someone can explain the difference in firmware versions.

But I have a problem with upgrading also. I can connect to a generic USB ttl converter on a COM port, but the upgrade program only shows a couple of zeros and sometimes scrolling wierd signs. But no upgrade of firmware.
I connected the USB converter to the COM1 port of the flightcontroller. With the black GND wire in the middle, but uncertain how the green TXD and the white RXD should go. I tried both ways, but no luck.
I am running 64 bits laptop with Windows 7 installed.
I hope someone has a good idea............
View attachment 27246 View attachment 27247
Could you Please send me what ever you have. I will be Gratefull :) How about the Program we upgrade with!!! I can not find that too!!
Do you have that too?
Thank you again for your kind help


Hi Bisgi,

I read some of your posts and I share your opinion that it is very hard to get information on the YS-X6. The forum topics are next to dead and there are almost no replies. Have alle YS-X6 owners given up or have they all crashed????? Has the system now become outdated and why?
I tried to post the following but the forum won't let me post other attachments besides pictures (and temporarily changing extentions does not work either).
Send me a personal message with your email and I will send you the following:
  • 2 firmware files, older and latest one
  • a driver for your usb converter (Prolific, not sure if this is the right one for you)
  • upgrade tool from Zero
You probably have an original firmware upgrade cable. In return can you let me know the EXACT layout of the cable.
The 3 wires that go to the COM1 port in the controller, how are they arranged? Is GND really in the middle? And where should my green TXD and white RXD wire go, tops or bottom? I have measured voltage and they're both approx. 3.3V.


Hi Bisgi,

I read some of your posts and I share your opinion that it is very hard to get information on the YS-X6. The forum topics are next to dead and there are almost no replies. Have alle YS-X6 owners given up or have they all crashed????? Has the system now become outdated and why?
I tried to post the following but the forum won't let me post other attachments besides pictures (and temporarily changing extentions does not work either).
Send me a personal message with your email and I will send you the following:
  • 2 firmware files, older and latest one
  • a driver for your usb converter (Prolific, not sure if this is the right one for you)
  • upgrade tool from Zero
You probably have an original firmware upgrade cable. In return can you let me know the EXACT layout of the cable.
The 3 wires that go to the COM1 port in the controller, how are they arranged? Is GND really in the middle? And where should my green TXD and white RXD wire go, tops or bottom? I have measured voltage and they're both approx. 3.3V.
Offcourse I will do that. I will get some pictures tonight and try to post them for you.

Hi all, i do have an ys-x6p, works great bu i do agreed there is very few information. What i understand is that upgrade is not always the best option. It seems that in the new version every time a emergency procedure has to be followed.
