Zero UAV Zero UAV YS-X6 [Owners Thread] *Autopilot system for multirotors*


Hello one more time robone
I use the settings you send my,i have in wifi unit stedy blu light, that the two units pouter and wifi module is connected,wen i try to openYS-X6 in the phone (asuspadfone android 4.1.1) i take the communication disconnected,i use the last update in program
on hte unit and the phone
HELP please!!!


Active Member
Hello one more time robone
I use the settings you send my,i have in wifi unit stedy blu light, that the two units pouter and wifi module is connected,wen i try to openYS-X6 in the phone (asuspadfone android 4.1.1) i take the communication disconnected,i use the last update in program
on hte unit and the phone
HELP please!!!

YOu got skype?


hi nic
I don't have time this week to open my PC ,I wont ask In video to see in installed YS-X6 most in case use Samsung Mobile galaxy s2 and above,I thing maybe to bay the same,and second wen I try to open the auto pilot need to connectand the TX
thanks one more time Maik

Dale UK



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I was just wondering from some one whos running an X8, have you done a custom motor mixer, or just run the stock set up with all motors top going one way and all bottom motors going the other way?
I would like do do a custom mixer so the top can function as a quad and the bottom can also. Has any one done this?



Add me: skidooairman
Nic Wilke
I can text chat you to assist

Hi nic
Wy have different time zone I thimg 9 so it is little strange to have contacted in Skype ,I have now Samsung galaxy s4 and I have two wifi unit old Blue light and new with blue light bat can configure p2p
Wen I try to connect first one and next the second I can't .if I use the usb cables from com1 off mu and the pc I contact and see the parametres .without pc an til now isn't possible to connect my phone
thenks one more time

Hi guys,
Hoping some one can help me. Im totally lost.

Im just setting up my skyjib x4 with ys-x6. My problem is when i select american hand for my controlls on the gcs, it shows up all the correct movements.
But then i go through the installation guide, everything works fine, but on the remote control calibration the ail and elv are swapped. This would normal be fine as it would mean i plugged the cables in wrong. But when i leave the install guide and go back to the main screen the ail and elv are moving the correct ways. Ive gone through this a few times and swapped the ail and elv cables, but the same thing happened, but opposite.

When i throttle up, its fine, push the elv forward and back; everything moves as it should. But then when i push ail, for example to the right: the back left motors speed up as they should but the front left motors slow down and the front right motors speed up. SO when i push ail, the motors speed up diagonally, so either the back left and front right speed up, or the back right and front left motors speed up.

Has any one had any issues like this before?

Issue sorted, Just wondering. Can you set the gains to channels like on a single rotor heli gyro? So i can adjust them quickly.


New Member
hello guys,
i've read somewhere sometime about the old YS-X6 FC, IMU and GPS being opened by Timecop with crystal clear close-up photos.
some of us have sent our YS-X6 to zerouav for upgrade to P-version and i just wonder if anybody did opened and checked after the upgrade if new chips have really been replaced.

any difference?


Enable Setting - how?

Folks, can someone explain how to "Enable settings, change below parameters" found on the 3rd page of the "Param tab in the android app? I want to change the value in the Volt Alert Threshold, but for the life of me don't understand how to follow the yellow text at the top that says I must enable settings. The only thing that even remotely looks like it is the "Init Setup" button found on the Set Tab, but pressing that does nothing and there is no change to my data screen. Advice Appreciated!


When you press Init setup first you are able to change and save settings that are normally locked, you also need Init Setup for the ESC calibration.


Thank You holco. I have been using a Samsung Note 2 phone for the android app, and your reply prompted me to think it was this phone that would not let me init settings. I installed the app on a Samsung Tab just now, and it works as expected! In reply to your comment on esc calibration, I had used the wizard for that, and it worked fine, so it appears my Note would only not allow me to use the init setting button... very strange. All is good now so will stay with the Tab - Thanks again for your help!


Does this also come with head lock or home lock or course lock and how many way point comes with the P version and in order to use the way point do I have to buy Data Link 900Mhz or it comes with it thanks


Uncontrolled Flight

I have flown this multi very successfully for some time, but yesterday the multi took off by itself. Here is what happened:

Was flying in GPS mode.
Switched to position 2 to go into Altitude mode.
As soon as the switch happened, the multi tilted to 45 degrees forward, and motors went to high speed.
It happened very quickly, but nothing I did on the transmitter would stop the multi. After the crash, it did appear I was able to successfully disarm the motors.

I did have the camera active at the time, and you can see the video here:
At the 2 second mark on the video is when I switched to Altitude mode.
I've sent the 1 minute data log to the support email address, but thought I would post here to see if anyone else ever experienced this.
Thanks, Pete

OK - posting to help out another YS-X6 user on his journey. I use SBUS.. he is on spek. It says in the new manual that if using jr all you have to is invert the all the channels... He already did that, and it can't be the firmware version because he updated to latest fw and gcs....triple checked all connections....but nothing....under remote control mode it still comes up as sbus...he has the option to change to regular or adaptive but cannot send to will not save.
Anyone ever have this issue - The wifi seems to be "talking"

Any help would be appreciated!


OK - posting to help out another YS-X6 user on his journey. I use SBUS.. he is on spek. It says in the new manual that if using jr all you have to is invert the all the channels... He already did that, and it can't be the firmware version because he updated to latest fw and gcs....triple checked all connections....but nothing....under remote control mode it still comes up as sbus...he has the option to change to regular or adaptive but cannot send to will not save.
Anyone ever have this issue - The wifi seems to be "talking"

Any help would be appreciated!

Look 4 posts up, had what may be a similar problem in that the init button would not work on my note2 phone. Everything else worked perfectly but that one button. May be a wild guess, but can you try the same process on another device to see if it will send? That's what worked for me.


lost soul
tell him to sell that cheep second rate radio, and get a solid futaba<G>

also, the PC GCS is a lot easier to use for initial setup.
also, ya do have to be either in the quick start guide or have already entered initial set up mode before it will save data to the FC.
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