Zenmuse Z15 5D MARK III


Actually, all you need to do is mount 2 rails underneath. Look at the Tarot Ironman 1000 parts. Its a clone of your cinestar, and rails are available. Its up to you. I personally use a carbon core octo 1000 and I have DJI s800 retracts, along with the rails and a quick release to dismount the zenmuse with a lever.

Awesome video footage in your Z5d maiden clip, Jeopapa. Im not very into night shooting so far. What frame rate/shutter-t/aperture did you use on the 5d (Mark III?)? Do you shoot in manual or tv mode?

From what you're saying I'm now convinced that I'm finally going to get one very soon too. Ill be having it on a SkyJib 6 Lite. Though I'm still on the old school wkm.

Keep on posting video.
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When we shoot, its always in manual, 24 fps, 1/50th shutter speed. Exposure is determined by ISO and aperture. Generally we stop down to f/ 11 or f/16, however in this video, we were likely at f/5.6 or so. My partner is a pro steadicam operator, and in the movie industry, 24fps is standard. They only vary this if they are shooting for slow motion or some other effect.

nice. a pro steadicam operator is probably the best partner you can have. for me the manual mode is a challenge b/c your light situation on the ground is different than in the air. so you have to kinda guess whats it going to be like in the air.


That is interesting, would love to hear what effect it had on your MR and were you flying or hovering at the time.
Mine did it thankfully while hovering during flight checks and no gimbal, so I was able to bring it down easily enough but I had no yaw control at all.
Is making me think would a x4 be a better option now for a bit more redundancy, sorry for going a bit off topic.

Quinton are you managing to use the 14SG to control your ship and this gimbal?


They have more radio control stuff in stock than anywhere else around, but the multi rotor rage is just getting going. They ordered the Z15 for me, but he got two because it was available. The other one is still there. I know Chris, the owner, really well. Ive been racing Rc Cars there for 20 years. He can get anything you want. I was shocked his distributor had the Z15. Got it in a week.


Active Member
Yeah, just did a quick search on his site, the other Z15 is the only DJI item listed. That's not to say he doesn't have more, just not listed on his site. Erwin in Winsted had a bit more variety of DJI stuff on hand the last time I was up there a couple weeks ago.


Active Member
Anyone interested I just had a 2 stop ND filter (0.6) B+W come today for the 24mm lens and it was 28g
If anyone else gets any would be nice to hear what weight they are to compare.
Not exactly sure how tight the lens ring is on the 5D Zenmuse as I have not got it yet, but the 28mm IS Lens may be another good choice as it is 20 grams lighter than the 24mm one.

There is 50 grams difference between the mk2 and the MK3 and this gimbal can cope with both, so there should be plenty of leeway.
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The manual says that you even "HAVE TO" turn off the IS!


  • Bildschirmfoto 2014-01-12 um 19.39.20.jpg
    Bildschirmfoto 2014-01-12 um 19.39.20.jpg
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Active Member
The manual says that you even "HAVE TO" turn off the IS!

Thanks, have been trying to find the answer to this for a while for MR flying.
Which leads to the question, why on earth did DJI select a lens that had built in Image stabilisation, do they just select the first lens that seems light and has a wide focal length.
Half the money for that lens probably went into the image stabilisation.

If they would have thought about it a bit more then they could have picked a lens that was around 600 grams like the 16-35mm (and weather sealed).
I know its twice the weight of the 24mm but how much of a difference would it really have made, there are quite a few great lenses around that weight, which you could maybe have swapped over and not been stuck with one lens.

yeah I'm totally with you. doesn't make sense. but hey, i guess its an awesome is lens to play around with on the ground ;-)

DJI says the gimbal can hold the 24mm 2,8 is "at the moment". so they might some day release an upgrade kid to be able to fix other lenses. that would mess up the internal gimbal control adjustments though. I think dji creates awesome products. but they don't really let you know anything about their new products until they put them on the market.


5D Mark III Zenmuse video

Guys, here is a link to some footage we shot over the last few days in Connecticut. My partner John cut it and posted it to Vimeo. This footage has no stabilization added in post. I cannot express enough how well this gimbal works. We flew yesterday in some serious wind...no issues at all. The A2 is incredible. Camera lens has image stabilization set to off.
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Active Member
Looks really nice Joe! You guys got some nerves of steel flying over some of that terrain, water and ice. You have to have complete confidence in your gear, I'm no where near that point. Keep up the good work, look forward to more.



Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
....If they would have thought about it a bit more then they could have picked a lens that was around 600 grams like the 16-35mm (and weather sealed).
I know its twice the weight of the 24mm but how much of a difference would it really have made, there are quite a few great lenses around that weight, which you could maybe have swapped over and not been stuck with one lens.


If I had to guess, they might not have had the ability to make the mount effective at the higher weights. The higher weight mounts continue to be a challenge for brushless gimbals so I suppose it's possible if DJI had wanted to achieve the same smooth control with higher weight camera equipment they'd have had to use even larger and even heavier motors which would then run at higher currents.

They might very well have used the first lens they found online for the 5D but I'd guess they determined a limit and tried to keep it within that limit.

So far it seems like a pretty capable mount. Just guessing but with the higher torque for the 5D wouldn't it offer some flexibility in lens selection if using smaller cameras like the GH3 where the dedicated GH3 mount doesn't?



Active Member
Looks really nice Joe! You guys got some nerves of steel flying over some of that terrain, water and ice. You have to have complete confidence in your gear, I'm no where near that point. Keep up the good work, look forward to more.


You do have balls of steel in some of those shots :)
Thank you for sharing, I am in no way being critical here at all but I am waiting on this gimbal also., but I cant help thinking is there a problem when yawing, as you had IS turned off, but in a lot of the Yaw shots it still looks to be stuttering)
I watched it over a few times, especially around 1:10 in the video
The forward flights don't have it at all, which makes me think it is either bad Vimeo compression or were you flying in GPS and it was trying to correct all the time.
Honestly I am not criticizing, I just feel that there is something just not right with yaw with this gimbal, problem is I havent got one yet so cant test, and there are very few videos online to compare.

I have seen videos panning with IS turned on, and it does not give the effect that was described in the CinemaUAV video, just wondering if theres more to it.

I am actually thinking the same thing, that this might be a very good alternative if you could get a lighter "balanced" set up on there.
I love the images coming from the BMPCC that I have seen so far, the 5D is great in the dark etc, but it is very easy to blow out the highlights with the 5D...and that is something you always have to watch when flying, as 50% is usually pointing to the sky.
I just feel its too early yet for the BMPCC, I want to see how it pans out with it, as it is still very new.
