Zenmuse GH4 Owners thread


Lost: The screw holding the lens...
Damn! and I know where: in a field!
I had to remove the SD Card andcompletely forgot about it... I wonder if this screw has any kind of interest anyway, (except redundancy). I wonder if it's possible to get a new one...
Hate losing stuff! :(

A field claimed mine last Friday! Buzz Flyer have some replacement in stock, along with the other screw and lens collar.


Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
I put a small rubber o-ring around the retaining screw to stop vibration shaking it out. Not lost one yet.

On my first Zen GH2 I landed after my first flight with it and it just fell off on the ground. Thought that could be a problem and wondered why there was a metal to metal fixing with no way of adding friction.


Here's this afternoon's FPV adventures: Tested my FPV screen in my office - all working fine. Take the s900 into the garden, switch it on - no image just white screen. Fiddle with camera settings, power up several times, try different power up routines - nothing. Oh well, I decide to do a hover test anyway. I take off and a few seconds later the camera view pops up on the screen, and apart from the odd moment when it disappears for a couple of seconds (i.e. not a typical fuzzy image from poor reception) stays on for the full flight. I take it all back into my office and the image is intermittent, so I poke all the wires in case there's a loose connection, but it stays intermittent and doesn't really coincide with my prodding. I try a spare video transmitter - no image just the white screen again. I switch back to original VTX and get an image. I try flicking through the camera modes but the image locks (but on the camera it's normal). I now have a locked image on my Black Pearl screen. I turn off the camera, and I STILL have the locked image on screen despite the camera being completely turned off. It only goes when I power down the s900. What's going on? :-(

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
Here's this afternoon's FPV adventures: Tested my FPV screen in my office - all working fine. Take the s900 into the garden, switch it on - no image just white screen. Fiddle with camera settings, power up several times, try different power up routines - nothing. Oh well, I decide to do a hover test anyway. I take off and a few seconds later the camera view pops up on the screen, and apart from the odd moment when it disappears for a couple of seconds (i.e. not a typical fuzzy image from poor reception) stays on for the full flight. I take it all back into my office and the image is intermittent, so I poke all the wires in case there's a loose connection, but it stays intermittent and doesn't really coincide with my prodding. I try a spare video transmitter - no image just the white screen again. I switch back to original VTX and get an image. I try flicking through the camera modes but the image locks (but on the camera it's normal). I now have a locked image on my Black Pearl screen. I turn off the camera, and I STILL have the locked image on screen despite the camera being completely turned off. It only goes when I power down the s900. What's going on? :-(

Could it be a setting on the Black Pearl?


Funnily enough, I just checked this a few minutes ago. I plugged an Immersion Duo receiver into my DVR, works fine with my Phantom2, but I get the same white screen as on my Black Pearl. It goes without saying, I've tried every possible permutation of setting on the BP and camera. I'm going to try swopping the gimbal HDMI lead next as there's a spare in the Zen box.


I'm going to try swopping the gimbal HDMI lead next as there's a spare in the Zen box.

OK, the spare HDMI lead supplied is not a GH4 size; it has a mini rather than micro HDMI socket. By the time I'd noticed this I had unscrewed the HDMI box. This may have been a good thing as I think my problem might have been a badly seating ribbon connector. I've re-assembled and got an image. That lead is well secured, so it's unlikely I've pulled it mounting the camera. That lead is secured by three layers of double sided foam tape inside and well held on the outside, so maybe it was not pushed into the connector correctly on factory assembly? I'm not counting my chickens until I've done a few test flights though, as I've been here before…update tomorrow


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Well I was holding off sending my gimbal back until expected GH4 update and have a nice quiet day today so thought I'd have a good look at my instal after all sorts of issues with live transmission. So I've changed the hdmi cable and now all is well so fingers crossed it lasts! I didn't think it would be the cable as it was working on 24hz but I guess there's a lot of pins with HDMI so maybe it was just that.



As we're there, I have had many white screens but I believed caused by overexposure so (apparently) nothing to worry about for me on this one. However, I got a worrying sudden black screen just after initialisation. I think that during initialisation, the GH4 hits the gimbal on fn1 and turns the wifi on. Strangely I could not get out of this mode until I turned off the GH4. Once restarted everything was fine again. (What could be misleading in this diagnostic is that I moved the GH4 out of the gimbal and reorganised the cables) but I'm pretty sure it's the Wi fi.

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
Have you balanced the Zen? I had to drop my roll bar down a bit to get it balanced and this moved the wifi button out of the way completely. It hits just the camera and not the button.


Well, I switched it on this morning, no image, then I got this intermittent image! Large screen is a Black Pearl, small image is a DVR plugged into an Immersion Duo

And now it is working so I'll try a hover outside….


Well, I just did a couple of 6 minute hover tests and had an image throughout. I'm not sure if I just got lucky or whether I'm onto something. I'll see if I can get some proper flights in.


I think that during initialisation, the GH4 hits the gimbal on fn1 and turns the wifi on. Strangely I could not get out of this mode until I turned off the GH4. Once restarted everything was fine again. (What could be misleading in this diagnostic is that I moved the GH4 out of the gimbal and reorganised the cables) but I'm pretty sure it's the Wi fi.

I've changed the function of FN1 to Focus Peaking so I can quickly check focus. No chance of turning wifi on by accident as none of the custom function buttons are on wifi
