Wookong Woes


This is the errors i get in the errors screen

View attachment 9229

Many dont make sence. RX-ERROR, the tx/rx setup seems to be working fine over sbus so no idea why that would show error

Errors on x1,x2,x3 again makes no sence, i dont have any paramaters set to use knob tuning.


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Drone Enthusiast
restart it again ! set everything to default than choose d-bus restart again it should be gone.


Right, tried everything, tied 5 and 6 together, this seems to introduce a firmware upgrade.

But still all settings there, and all errors still present :(

Nothing stands out as obvious.... What radio system are you using.

I have both the NAZA and now the WKM..... WKM first flight was perfect and no trimming required.
NAZA tends to have some trim drift, i.e., retrimming requirements every 2nd flight and/or bench recalibration.
I am using Futaba T8FG and s.bus......and following Jon DesJardins system configuration YouTube videos with great success.


I had them at 170 which is what was recommended in the manual for that setup. However I feel it would be better on 150 or so. But you are saying higher? Surely higher would make the issue worse if it is a gain issue?

This also doesnt aswer why IOC has no effect and the yawing to the left on power.

So confused

Not saying higher for sure? I know it sounds a bit vague:shame: as I cannot remember if they ned to go up or down? But the shaking when in auto mode i.e rtl is caused by the pitch and roll basic gains.. As for the shake whilst decsending that can be reduced by using advanced parameters pitch and roll I reduce to 90% but get the basic gains right first and you may find it will come down nice anyhow.. If you have no success no matter what you do? try dropping an inch on prop size..


Ok little more insight.

I decided to work on each problem one by one, even though they are probably linked.

So first its the yawing on power and preference to yaw left rather than right. I reset all autopilot params to 100. took here up. She felt really sloppy so i increased base gains to 130, seemed to then get decent autoleveling and control. However I still got the drift anticlockwise and had to trim significantly to the right, this mean again it still wanted to yaw left more than right and yawed heavily on accent. So i tried increasing the gain on yaw to 200, this made no difference.

This was all using a 3s pack, I then tried a 4s pack, and hey presto the yaw problem was gone. All other problems still exist, IOC non operational, erratic behavour in RTH or failsafe mode.

The 3s packs i was using were various, turnigy, thunderpower, flightpower. The 4s pack was flightpower.

I am running stock dji 8" props

Why would running 3s result in that yaw behaviour?

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The reason is the same as I suggested, the props were too big for 3s so couldn`t react to error quick enough... Now you have 4s the motors can spin the prop quicker and easier, You can try my suggestion of adjusting the pitch and roll basic gains to get the smooth failsafe or RTL? I am not making uneducated guesses...


Im confused I thought you were meant to run the 10" on 3s and the 8" on 4s, thats what it says on the motor itself. Anyway, I have tried upping the gains, all the way to 200, and exactly the same problem with the erratic RTH.

So I have tried gains from 100 to 200 with 20 unit steps, and had the same problem with all settings, on both 3s and 4s on 8" props.

However as i said on 4s the yaw problem is gone.

This is so weird.


It can be difficult to understand? The motors will take a 10" on 3s and use the 8" on 4s the smaller prop on the 4s is to keep the amps down so as not to burn out the motor, on an airplane this all is quite simple and can be stuck to, however when using a multi-rotor with a stabilisation system you cannot always use as big a prop as the motor suggests and is sometimes better to use a slightly smaller one so that the stabilisation system can react quicker, otherwise it will shake or wobble as the system speeds one motor up to make a correction but because the prop may be too big it takes longer to reach the rpm required, so when it does the stabilisation system is already telling it to go back the other way.. And so on which causes oscillation, you have a smaller prop and it can react much quicker and keep up thus resulting in a stable platform. The trick is getting the prop size right? not too small that it becomes inefficient and not too big that it causes instability.. Reducing the prop size on my Octo made a huge difference in stability when it was windy but as a sacrifice I lost a couple of minutes flight time.. Everything you do in this game is sacrificing one thing for another, you cannot have it all :)


Drone Enthusiast
modles this has nothing to do with props size or gains etc, 3s or 4s. If you cant activate your IOC in anyway something is wrong with the WKM. Direct Geoff from quadrocopters to this thread and ask him for an exchange or if he can test the unit ! There is just to much akward behavior that doesnt fit in the picture ! Either it one of the components messing with the can-bus flow or its the digital compass. All the things your are experiecing seem somehow related to the digital compass yaw and strange reaction in autonomous routines were the compass plays a role.

Do you have a multimeter by hand any can you check on the voltage output you are getting from you PMU, on the BEC and on the Can-bus plus minus ?

with both hooked up to it 3s and 4s



Ohh sorry? I thought the problem was with some shaking when rtl was activated and general instability... Didn`t read all of the thread:shame:


Thanks for the input guys. Boris, I agree I don't think this is a prop or gain issue. I have just left for my GFs house so can't test the voltage, but will do tomorrow. I might also rig up my logic analyser on the can-bus to see what it's saying.

I will point Geoff to this thread, but seeing as I've already sent back my iOSD and the Datalink receiver because they were seemingly faulty, he's gonna think I have one screwy setup! But I can assure you I don't, I do know what Im doing with this stuff, I was writing PID code in my kitchen and building flight control boards back 5 years ago. With better results than spending £1000 on this WKM it seems!

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