Wookong M Fly Off


Hey all-

Have an F550 with Wookong M and 2.4GHz Data Link. The unit flew off last night and I can't seem to locate it based on data from the DJI Ground Station Software. I assume it's in a tree based on the fact that last communication came in at 16.4 meters at a constant 45% angle. I will try to post the image.
Few questions: Any easy way to locate? Foliage is preventing easy sighting. I know that I'm within a 20 yard area of the hex. I had a 4S Turnigy NanoTech 5000MAh battery strapped in. I'm assuming the Wookong drained the battery. Does anyone know if it will go into an under voltage state to prevent damage to the battery and model?






  • Location.jpg
    152.2 KB · Views: 410


Drone Enthusiast
Exactly why I switched to Hoverfly! This kind of story scared the hell out of me every time I would go fly. Do you have any idea why it flew off? Did you flip a switch?


Hexa Crazy
If you have a smartphone. Get the GPS app.
Put the longitude & latitude into the gps and it will allow you to walk to the exact location within a couple of meters. (039.1658649 x 084.207052).
At 17 Meters above the ground it was 51 feet above the ground. Are you sure you were not just too low & hit a tree?
If it is struck in a tree at 50' above the ground, you have a real task trying to recover.


Switch position was not modified, and I was flying in GPS mode. TX (Futaba T8FG Super) was mid-stick. Hex was hovering at 10 meters just west of the landing site. I was attempting to visually inspect the lady when she flipped out. Battery voltage was 15.1-15.4v. at flyoff.


I went out to the site and did the Andorid GPS thing. I'm certain I'm within the proper crash area, I just cant see anything due to the leaves. Property owner game me permission to recover and harvest tree if needed. Just can't see the damn thing.


Hexa Crazy
My 900 Mhz unit seems dead on.
Consider looking in the area on the two maps I uploaded. I think they are dead on.
If you find it, approach a local tree trimming company to see if any "guys" would consider going after it as a side job.
View attachment 9028


Aerial DP
when you say wigged out,,, whats that entail?

Man, if it's in them trees, what a mess. Better go get a small chainsaw and a climbing belt/spikes. Call a tree trimmer guy

You need a fpv guy to come fly around from above and see if it's visible


Wigged out= fly off. The hex turned 30 degrees, ascended and headed out just over the tree line. Same speed it would operate as if in "click and go mode". I'm not sure if we see that turn to the south as a result of hitting a high tree limb and bouncing off or what, but that's all I can assume. Once I suspected trouble I immediately engaged fail safe. When that failed I switched the TX off. I'd tested RTH before on many occasions and never had an issue. Lately I have noticed the Ground Station software seems to intermittently loose contact with the hex. Display information often disappears then pops back up. This was quite unnerving when flying in Click and Go Mode. Regardless, the hex flew off and landed in a tree. Nothing is going to save it at that point.


Aerial DP
wow..... just coming from an fpv point of view, you have major interference going on of some type. motor bearing singing rf or something........

good luck, remember them tree guys are dirt bags and super cheap. You will pay less to have some guy go with you climbing than your co-pay costs..... been here done this... I'm the king of all 3d planes stuck in the trees guy. when i know where there at, i can get it down for $20 at this point. Got the guys personal number he's been here so much


Thanks kloner... I'm afraid I won't be able to see it until all the leaves fall which is 3 weeks from now. Not sure how salvageable anything will be after that.


Aerial DP
only thing that dies should be the lipo unless it really rains hard, then just make sure it's all super dry before plugging it in. Your also talking to the multi rotor at the bottom of the river captain,,,, hahaha stuff happens man, albeit this is an expensive one.

was there a camera on it?


Hexa Crazy
I am confused.
Were you flying via Groundstation or Traditional TX?
When I fly via groundstation, once the motors are spooled up, the Traditional TX is locked out....Unless I switch the TX to manual and back to give the TX control.
I usually completely turn off the traditional TX after I get in the air as it is useless..... Especially with the extended range of 900 Mhz.
I routinely get out .5 mile and have been out 1 full mile with GCS and never had any loss of Link signal.
However, if working correctly, if the link signal is lost, it should return to home & land.
Also, you have a 2.4 Link... what traditional TX are you using?


Good luck on the recoverey.
A quick fly over by another model would be perfect (I've done a few grid-searches for models...).

Is it just me as a HFP owner that I've never had a fly-off but I read about them daily here...??? It just seams to happen too often.



Sorry guys- went looking for the F550 again. No luck. It's got to be way up in the trees.

I was flying in GPS mode, not Point and Click. No camera or video gear on board. That didn't fly on this trip. I hope it stays dry the next few weeks.

T8FG Super TX
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Don't have access to night vision goggles by any chance do you? certain objects show up differently when comparing them against trees.
I had a chance to use them a few years back, and have been wanting to get a pair ever since.
Actually found my keys in the grass ... didn't even know I had them lost. hahah


Drone Enthusiast
they need to make a box you put on the heli that makes a cat meowing sound. That way you can call the fire department and tell them there is a cat stuck in the trees. "Oh whoa, my heli was up there too!?"

Sorry you had this happen, I see a fair amount of DJI units just taking off. Not confidence inducing.
