the set for my sj8 came in yesterday,,,,, they are nice looking. Wires seem small, but i can get past that if they work.
I had a 40amp plush fry on me in flight, but I still trust them. Honestly, My old 30amp RCtimer escs are running strong as well. They have never failed and I have had them on and off various ships for 3 years! All with Hoverfly Pro. I am noticing a wobble on my Octo right now and curious what you find Kloner. I have not had time to investigate this week. I didn,t realize how bad the wobble was until I flew my X8 last weekend and saw how "smooth" smooth can be.
You will get good at programming them via the radio by the 8th esc
I'm finally sober and back to flying, this was the first flight.....
Thanks Kari, you saved me alot of grief