what's the difference!??!!?


The RCTiger one has way better bearings, uses way better material, probably has a way better soldering job, and the screw holes are probably lined up and tapped better.

But why such a HUGE motor? There are better alternatives. That motor is very job specific. Think about it: 240g PER motor... x6, that's almost 1.5kg just in motors!!! And to swing 28" props, you need a HUGE frame...

Not worth it in my opinion.


Aerial DP
the u8 is for them 28" props,,,,,, alexa lifter or 3d red rigs....... the differences are japaneese vs chineese bearings and the u8 has a cnc wound winding so it's precise and supposedly really efficient. At that level of the game i'd go all in with tiger
