If your running a 2 man set up, what transmitter are you using for your camera? I'd like to stick with Futaba but I certainly don't need another 14sg. I'm gonna need, 5 channels at the most?
They don't over here in UK as well, but you don't need any extra parts, you can just convert with a similar throttle gimbal plate removal.Just a FYI my 14sg didn't come with spring loaded throttle. I had to order a part. It was only $10 shipped. I don't use it. I just wanted to have it on hand.
T8J is still available in UK but not much cheaper than 10J.Amain (my favorite us vendor) doesn't show a futaba 8j. I wonder if it's discontinued.
They have a 6j but it doesn't have a 3 pos switch.
Ya. There were 2 different versions. One you just remove a black plastic plate. The other (mine) you need to instal this little arm and spring.They don't over here in UK as well, but you don't need any extra parts, you can just convert with a similar throttle gimbal plate removal.
That's how I did mine
That's bonkers manufacturing different versions like that for different markets...oh well at least we get all the bits in the UK we need, even if we take some outYa. There were 2 different versions. One you just remove a black plastic plate. The other (mine) you need to instal this little arm and spring.