Doesn't sound right to me. My Inspire is rock solid. Indeed, in windy conditions it's my go to copter. It is a much different flyer than a heavy camera ship though. One thing that absolutely amazes me is that you can fly it as fast as you want and when you apply the brakes and it does it's counter balance to stop, you can't even see it in the video. That gimbal is simply amazing.So I did my first my shoot with the Inspire today, and boy oh boy, this thing is ALL OVER THE PLACE. It doesn't hold altitude at all, it doesn't inspire one bit of trust. The bouncy nature of the thing does show on the footage, I found it a lot less stable than the Phantom... Is this normal ? I usually fly a S900, but I didn't expect it to be so out of control...
i know one thing, i want my life story told to that music!