I bought this very expensive 4 way charger as a Christmas present to myself, it appeared to be a clone of the Smart PowerCharge 4 way charger which is even more expensive and hard to get in the UK, so a slightly less expensive version which automatically charges/discharges to storage voltage appealed to me.
Unfortunately it outputs much too high voltage (18.8v - should be 17.5v) so causes over voltage warnings on all my Phantom3 batteries video shows this at 7mins in. I have not left the batteries charging to find out what happens as potentially charging to 4.7v/cell could be bad !
I contacted SkyRC a couple of weeks ago, they refuse to accept this is a problem ;(
Unfortunately it outputs much too high voltage (18.8v - should be 17.5v) so causes over voltage warnings on all my Phantom3 batteries video shows this at 7mins in. I have not left the batteries charging to find out what happens as potentially charging to 4.7v/cell could be bad !
I contacted SkyRC a couple of weeks ago, they refuse to accept this is a problem ;(
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