Vulcan black widow X8 build


Drone Enthusiast
I know they are made nice and probably worth it in the end - but $200 for adapters is better spent elsewhere right now for my build. All the KDE stuff is gorgeous though. Just seems "right" when you take it out of the box.

I dont know know much about the x8 style build/design. I've only read very little regarding the handling and tweaks. Are you running the smaller props on the bottom?


I'm running the same all round. Internent wisdom suggests running more aggressive pitch on the bottom as they're spinning the wash from the top prop.

My (small) understanding of coaxial design says the physics are way more complex than that, but hey - if it works it works.


Drone Enthusiast
I'm running the same all round. Internent wisdom suggests running more aggressive pitch on the bottom as they're spinning the wash from the top prop.

My (small) understanding of coaxial design says the physics are way more complex than that, but hey - if it works it works.

i know that many will run 2 different prop sizes. Not just pitch, but 1" smaller. Again, I'm not really up on the physics of it either, but I have read a handful of threads that discuss it. I think that the DJI literature would have some info regarding this. Maybe more the Wookong or A2 manuals? Maybe that info could be applied to the Naza?

people le have had issues with superx and x8, so it would seem each FC has it's config that it wants to work with.


Drone Enthusiast

Hmmm. Interesting. Now this is all getting me more intrigued :)

ive seen seen a few mentions of larger props on the bottom too. Something to do with increasing pitch/size for grabbing pre-disturbed air.

Glad it's working for you guys. Didn't mean to sidetrack the thread.



What's the maximum propeller size that you can put on the bottom motor?

Just measured it tonight for you:

Looks like you could JUST get a 16" on there. It's close, and I'd be careful with any prop that has a degree of flex in it (it could flex up and hit the arm as it rakes over). But you really need to know what distance the prop mount is from the base of the motor. With a spacer to drop the motor lower, you could get a bigger prop on.



Ok. Just got it on the scales properly tonight.

It's just shy of 5kg, without batteries. Bit of a fat puppy!

It's pretty close to my original estimate, but I thought I was on the conservative side.

This does include for a few extras though, including retracts, Vx gear, Mobius cam, additional mounting plates for payload, etc. But no payload.

I think I'm going to start to run it like this, but then look for ways to shave weight as I go. The power distribution is slightly annoying now, as I keep thinking of the weight of all that copper, plus all the solder I had to use to get the wires fixed! There's no way I'm going to revisit that for a while though...


Drone Enthusiast
I need to figure out a way to get it on my scale too. The landing gear is so damn wide I don't have anything to rest it on :)

the weight adds up quick, right? I always start a build with the best (and lightest) of intentions, and that gets thrown out the window too quick! I used the vulcan PDB too, but the smaller one. Not bad on weight in the scheme of things.


Too right :)

I just put the retracts up, and put it on a wide aluminium tray I had, and put that on the scales. Its taken me a few days to find the tray so I could actually do this!


Drone Enthusiast
I've just got the basic LG that comes off the 3 booms. I guess I could find something skinny and tall to put the scale on and let the arms hang down.

Just finished balancing 8 t-motor knock-offs CF props (2 extras). What a royal pain. 1 out of 8 was close hub-wise. The folding props seem more and more appealing.


Hi all.

Had an interesting development today. I took my Hoverfly board (that didn't work on this Black Widow) and plugged it into my old F550 with an E300 drivetrain for a laugh.

It armed the ESC's!

I've posted here in the Hoverfly forum -!)&p=182306#post182306

It appears that the Hoverfly is not compatible with the KDE 4012-400 / 35Amp ESC's. It also seems the Hoverfly can withstand 9v on the ESC/RX circut for a brief moment too!

Hope this helps someone else.

