VRx antenna positioning on Boscam RC701


New Member
I have a Boscam RC701 with dual antenna outlets. And I put 2 polarized antennas with 5.8ghz on those.

My question is if it's ok to band the 2 antennas into L shape. Does it affect reception? Or should I fold the monitor flat in order to make the antennas straight and upright for best picture quality? Any suggestion is welcome.

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Aerial DP
idealy you want the ones on there to be the same as the one on the rig. diversity works better with a patch and an omni, or a couple different types of omnis.

Circular Polarized means the signal coming off and into them isn't up/down or side to side, makes them idea for multis cause the craft does alot of angles flying around.

get one of them crosshair or Ultra Bluebeam.... it'll smoke that one you got there, just make sure to get the rp or reverse polarity ends for bosscam


New Member
So, how do you suggest me to point my antennas? Keep both straight or bent? Or one for each? one horizontally and one vertically?

Any advise would be appreciate:tears_of_joy:


Aerial DP
with cp both up like you have is best. usually diversity rx's use more than one type of antenna. a directional and a clover like is there now would be more useful but that's usually plane kinda distances. you just didn't need diversity, single antenna woulda been fine on a multi

here is a 2.4 diversity with a pair of directional crosshairs. it makes 270 degree coverage out in front of me, i wound up backing off to a single channel receiver with the new Ultra Bluebeam, it's way better, i never have to move, omni directional


i also use a single rx on a tracker that feeds wirelessly to the monitor. did away with this too, i'm getting 18 miles out on the ultra bluebeam

