TX Fail-Safe settings


Do i have to set Fail-Safe positions on my TX for A, E, T, R? or just setting the U channel is enough and WKM will take care of the rest by taking over the A, E, T, R without any input from receiver?




hi Mihnea, what radio are you using, and are you wanting to setup another switch for fail safe rather than switching the radio off?


Hi Rob,

I use a Graupner MX-20. I already set a switch for going in Fail-Safe using the Dual-Mixer function, but I'm not sure if was the only way to do that. I set this because it does sound weird to to get in the Safe-Mode by switching the radio off.

Also, I set Fail-safe positions for A, E, T, R in the center for all 4 controls (50%), but this works only when i switch the radio off. If i just switch to Fail-Safe from the switch the controls are still working, and that is obviously correct.

My question was if it is necessary or not to set Fail-Safe positions on my TX for A, E, T, R? It seems redundant to me.

I have seen the DJI manual says to not set Fail-safe position of throttle under 10% because may stop motors in some cases. It make no sense for me at the moment why they said this in the manual since DJI have internal safe-mode triggered by U channel, which seems to override the commands from receiver, anyway.

Any toughs?




Mihnea, as far as I know you just have to make sure that the throttle is 10% or above, I will check with my mate to be sure.



Aerial DP
you want the throttle up over 10% and you want the blue bar to engage in failsafe, that's it. the rest stay neutral or as they were. i got my throttle at 40%, just put the throttle at 40% when i turned on the radio to bind along with made the failsafe mode show in the assistant. Hit it three times this weekend flying off too far
