I've seen all the video's on YouTube, about testing the RTH/failsafe on quads....but isn't there another way?
After all, you have a few hundred to a few thousand bucks floating in the air....that is a real test of 'faith' to turn the receiver off or flip that switch to simulate no receiver! And what happens if you turn the receiver off and the RTH doesn't work....never any videos of that sort of thing(unless I used the wrong search terms).
So, can you simulate the RTH/Failsafe while hooked up on the computer and track the system progress? If not, why isn't possible?
Scott (thoughts) B
After all, you have a few hundred to a few thousand bucks floating in the air....that is a real test of 'faith' to turn the receiver off or flip that switch to simulate no receiver! And what happens if you turn the receiver off and the RTH doesn't work....never any videos of that sort of thing(unless I used the wrong search terms).
So, can you simulate the RTH/Failsafe while hooked up on the computer and track the system progress? If not, why isn't possible?
Scott (thoughts) B