Yesterday, I just flew my new quad for the first time. SuperX, T-motor MN3510-13 700kv, Hobbywing Platinum Pro 30A OPTO, Taranis, X8R receiver. It's probably a little early to tell, but so far I had no problems with arming the ESCs. I calibrated them with -89/+100 endpoints and then reset the endpoints to -100/+100. Not that it matters too much, since I already decided to upgrade to KDE motors and probably the Castle Cr. ESCs. Since it's a quad and I will carry a gimbal and camera worth almost $2000, I want the highest available quality in motors and ESCs.
With my other SuperX rig (4kg Y6, Avrotos, ZTW Spider 30A OPTO) I have one ESC that sometimes doesn't start. Played around a lot with the ESC calibration until I finally gave up. It usually arms on the second try. I believe this is either an issue with the SuperX or a power race condition.
The new quad wobbles a lot and I had to turn down the gains by around 50%. But then it becomes sluggish. The black box shows very low vibrations (0.2-0.5) and the motors are all vertically aligned. But it's an FPV style frame (kind of like the QAV500, just bigger), with a certain asymmetry and a CG that is very much in the back. I will change the arm positions, to make it symmetric and make sure the CG is correct and then try again. I will report back in a few days.