Drone Enthusiast
Ah. Got it. Thanks!
Are you getting the same results?Ah. Got it. Thanks!
I haven't checked the throw fully CCW. But heading CW I've hit +106. Might be able to do some more testing later today.
I'm not sure, bit i think the range will change depending on what your gain settings are in the GUI. Haven't had time to test yet.
Thanks Tundra. I will see if I can suss it out. At this point I had enough throw to adjust the parameters to kill the vibrations, but I will see if I can dig a little deeper and report back.
The center detent on the knob on my radio is -22. Two o'clock on the knob gets me to zero gain. Will have to play with the offset. Just thought I'd add that!
i leave mine hooked up.... got it on a digital trim tab so no knob to bump. i constantly find myself bumping up the gain in no wind and dropping it a tad in wind to smooth it's bounce, i do it for the footage.....
...constantly find myself bumping up the gain in no wind and dropping it a tad in wind to smooth it's bounce.....
you guys see anything in there that stands out?
you guys see anything in there that stands out?
I have one that looked just like that.. Do you have recorded data on the esc's? The Castles have great data that I found much more helpful than the superX..
1. Is the Graupner compatible with the SuperX? I sure don't want to drop another $500+ on a transmitter.
2. If the Graupner is compatible then is there any special things to note about setup?
3. What ESC's are the best? I like the pricepoint of the Afro 30a which would be plenty for my setup.