Some of you might have seen this before?! I also send an email to Drew and Xaircraft in China. That was 3 days ago. Haven't heard from anyone yet.
BB of the crash: http://log.xaircraft.com/#2014_08_04_143054.500_57.2.03.40
Onboard video of the crash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irO4znGcMho
Video of maiden flight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiTXIq6CV2M
OK, here we go. I try to make it as brief as possible...
I flew this Aircraft before, without the Gimbal and the Battery was mounted on top of the I/O unit, on top of the Aircraft. It was on a calm day, the Aircraft was balanced perfectly and everything went very smooth... On the attached picture, you can see how I pretty much flew today. The only difference was, that I moved the GPS forward, behind the gimbal, and the battery further back...
- I went to the soccer field, turned my radio on, plugged the battery in for my Video RX/screen and plugged my flight pack in.
- Turned GoPro on to record.
- On the first take off, the aircraft tipped over. I remember throttling down as soon I saw it tip over, so I believe there was no harm done to the esc's or motors. I am actually pretty sure they were fine, as I learned to throttle down when something is not right from flying helicopter...
- Second take of was better, but not perfect. I hate this "thing" the SuperX does, when trying to take off. Others had the same problem. More about that, later.
- Once in the air, it looked OK. Not too stable though, a bit on the wobbly side. Kinda like stable, little wobble, back to stable. It was pretty windy though. Not too windy to not be flying though!!!
- I hovered and moved around a little bit, trying to see how the aircraft is doing. After a few wobbles, I tried some gains, briefly, but I felt it made it worse.
- After a relatively "unstable" flight, I decided to test the RTH feature.
- I hit the fail safe switch on the radio and watch the aircraft climb. I was surprised how how it went. I had forgotten that it was set at 50m, ha ha. Anyhow...
- Aircraft got to 50m and set there for a little bit, probably thinking about what to do next. That seems normal, as it did this before on other test flights.
- The next part is, where it all went down the hill, or should I say - from the sky?!?!?
- The aircraft started to decent. During the decent, it started to wobble.
- As the Aircraft started to wobble more and more, I switch Fail safe off, hoping it will stop the decent and stabilize itself.
- By the time I really knew what is going on though, it shook itself apart - IN THE AIR. That is probably where the battery got disconnected?!
Anyhow, the aircraft fell from the sky like a stone and hit the ground. Luckily it was on grass and no one got hurt. (There was no one around anyway).
I am not happy with what happened, but before I start my b*tch fest, I would like other to chime in and tell me what they think...
Some of you might have seen this before?! I also send an email to Drew and Xaircraft in China. That was 3 days ago. Haven't heard from anyone yet.
BB of the crash: http://log.xaircraft.com/#2014_08_04_143054.500_57.2.03.40
Onboard video of the crash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irO4znGcMho
Video of maiden flight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiTXIq6CV2M
OK, here we go. I try to make it as brief as possible...
I flew this Aircraft before, without the Gimbal and the Battery was mounted on top of the I/O unit, on top of the Aircraft. It was on a calm day, the Aircraft was balanced perfectly and everything went very smooth... On the attached picture, you can see how I pretty much flew today. The only difference was, that I moved the GPS forward, behind the gimbal, and the battery further back...
- I went to the soccer field, turned my radio on, plugged the battery in for my Video RX/screen and plugged my flight pack in.
- Turned GoPro on to record.
- On the first take off, the aircraft tipped over. I remember throttling down as soon I saw it tip over, so I believe there was no harm done to the esc's or motors. I am actually pretty sure they were fine, as I learned to throttle down when something is not right from flying helicopter...
- Second take of was better, but not perfect. I hate this "thing" the SuperX does, when trying to take off. Others had the same problem. More about that, later.
- Once in the air, it looked OK. Not too stable though, a bit on the wobbly side. Kinda like stable, little wobble, back to stable. It was pretty windy though. Not too windy to not be flying though!!!
- I hovered and moved around a little bit, trying to see how the aircraft is doing. After a few wobbles, I tried some gains, briefly, but I felt it made it worse.
- After a relatively "unstable" flight, I decided to test the RTH feature.
- I hit the fail safe switch on the radio and watch the aircraft climb. I was surprised how how it went. I had forgotten that it was set at 50m, ha ha. Anyhow...
- Aircraft got to 50m and set there for a little bit, probably thinking about what to do next. That seems normal, as it did this before on other test flights.
- The next part is, where it all went down the hill, or should I say - from the sky?!?!?

- The aircraft started to decent. During the decent, it started to wobble.
- As the Aircraft started to wobble more and more, I switch Fail safe off, hoping it will stop the decent and stabilize itself.
- By the time I really knew what is going on though, it shook itself apart - IN THE AIR. That is probably where the battery got disconnected?!
Anyhow, the aircraft fell from the sky like a stone and hit the ground. Luckily it was on grass and no one got hurt. (There was no one around anyway).
I am not happy with what happened, but before I start my b*tch fest, I would like other to chime in and tell me what they think...
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