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Hi all, yesterday was one of those days, the famous words "Let's make one more pass" led to the dunking of my heli and my beloved though lightly used Sony CX580 video cam. Amazingly enough, it wrote the file to the SD card as it went in and stopped recording, thank you little handicam!
The body of water that took my heli from airborne to aquatic was a shallow stream so I immediately walked in and retrieved the heli from about 18" of clear fresh water leaving it submerged for about 30 seconds.
I removed the battery as quickly as I could and left it in the airflow of my car's ventilation system so as to start the drying process. It's been in a plastic container submerged in rice ever since with a few of the plastic panels opened up to let out the moisture.
What else can I do though and how long should I keep it in recovery before attempting a power up?
Would there be any value in submerging it in denatured alcohol to displace the water that might be deeper inside of it? I'm concerned the BOSS stabilization may be too fragile to survive this watery encounter.
Opinions? Expertise based on experience?
The body of water that took my heli from airborne to aquatic was a shallow stream so I immediately walked in and retrieved the heli from about 18" of clear fresh water leaving it submerged for about 30 seconds.
I removed the battery as quickly as I could and left it in the airflow of my car's ventilation system so as to start the drying process. It's been in a plastic container submerged in rice ever since with a few of the plastic panels opened up to let out the moisture.
What else can I do though and how long should I keep it in recovery before attempting a power up?
Would there be any value in submerging it in denatured alcohol to displace the water that might be deeper inside of it? I'm concerned the BOSS stabilization may be too fragile to survive this watery encounter.
Opinions? Expertise based on experience?