So I am in need of some help. I am going to stuff a T2i onto a AV130. There is not a bunch of room for anything coming out of the side of the T2i. Originally I planned on just plugging in a intervalometer. I am thinking that I would like to give this "Strato Snapper" a go to release the shutter. I use a 9503 TX and plan on dedicating the AUX2 switch to the Strato Snapper. Video on/off down and shutter up. I like the idea of being able to program the snapper to continue to take pics in timed sequence if the switch stays up.
Is this a good way togo, what are your thoughts? Is there something better out there? WHat do you guys use.
Thanks for any suggestions you might have in advance...John
Is this a good way togo, what are your thoughts? Is there something better out there? WHat do you guys use.
Thanks for any suggestions you might have in advance...John