Aeronavics / Droidworx Skyjib Flight Times


I am trying to figure out the new airframe that I am going to purchase. I am interested in the average flight times that you guys are getting with your Skyjib X8, X6 and X4s with a payload. Please list your payload and battery setup. :)


Great thread, thanks for sharing. I have to say that the twin 8000mah seems to give you some decent times with a payload. I love the look of the Skyjib X4 and that design would work great out here in Arizona where it is a bit windy.

Skyjib 8, Cienstar gimbal, 4x 4200 mah hyperion 5s batteries, Axi 2120/12 motors, 15x4 Xoar props. Red epic payload gives us 6.30 with 20% remaining in the batteries. Hope this helps.


6.30! Holy moly...Can you actually get any shooting done in that time? I recon for a good shoot (multiple reshoots) you'd want at least 15 mins?

You and me both - perhaps I should have been clearer; I don't have a skyjib, but do wonder how you can get any shooting done in 6 minutes.

You would be surprised how much you can get done in 6.30. Its never been an issue and we usually get a good take with loads of battery to spare.




Usually it is all done in 3 min and while the dop and the rest decide on what to do you can change bateries for a next round. Flight times around 6 to 8 min are more than enough.

You would be surprised how much you can get done in 6.30. Its never been an issue and we usually get a good take with loads of battery to spare.



Usually it is all done in 3 min and while the dop and the rest decide on what to do you can change bateries for a next round. Flight times around 6 to 8 min are more than enough.

Glad you agree Lanzar, I suddenly thought I'd been doing something wrong all this time!



Drone Enthusiast
Its best to say 6mins max to any DOP, If you cant get the shot in that time it aint been planned right. In my preflight safety brief I always tell them when the alarm goes on my TX and I say "EYES UP" she is coming home quick! Even though theres a good 3 to 6 mins left in the packs.



Drone Enthusiast
Skyjib 8, Cienstar gimbal, 4x 4200 mah hyperion 5s batteries, Axi 2120/12 motors, 15x4 Xoar props. Red epic payload gives us 6.30 with 20% remaining in the batteries. Hope this helps.


Aye Up Paul. whats your weight of the Epic and your total take off weight?

What flight controller are you using?


Hey Dave,

Payload of 3.85kg

Mtom of around 14kg

The flight times I originally quoted were actually from a slightly heavier payload (4.1kg). But now we run the epic from a lipo and made a few other tweaks we are down to 3.86kg.




Aerial DP
we fly alot of dslr and see 6 minutes on 10 amp hours loaded but were only 5-6 amp hours used. most amp draw i've ever seen was 130 amps but that was haulin a$$, it generaly hovers at 60 amps
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Hi Droider, a little embarrassing, but I cant show any red footage, both the bits I have, I am unable to show publicly until they are released... Im not sure I understand when you say "wether its worth it", if the dop wants you to shoot on a red, you kind of have to or not do the job?



Drone Enthusiast
if the dop wants you to shoot on a red, you kind of have to or not do the job?

Thats fine f he has deep pockets! If I got a job for a movie where it would be used to its worth then I would build one but until then there is not enough requirement for the investment here.

