Fun flying there Ken! Looks like a cool field for doing your testing in. Which flight control you using on that quad? MultiWii? Is it the Flip Quad from HT? Was hoping to meet you at the NE FPV Meet up last weekend, always admired your work.
Thats the NEHC club field in Mansfield MA, one of the few large treeless areas around here that doesn't have a shopping mall or houses in it!
It is a Flip quad frame, probably the most durable frame I've ever owned. I find it perfect for practicing aerobatic flying since I've tried my best to break it and haven't suceeded yet, from my experience it would take an incredilble amount of force to do major damage to the frame itself, the rest of the running gear hasn't been so lucky
Flight controller is a Multiwii Flip board, best bang for the buck IMO, they cost a whopping $15 and have the MPU 6050 gyro/acc chip so they're pretty darn stable in all modes though this one only ever sees manual mode. It even handles bent props fairly well, most of the wobble in the video is from props not tracking well due to having been slammed into the ground a few times though occasionally if it hits hard enough I have to swap the props and then hook up the laptop and recalibrate things to get it to fly stable again, gives the Multiwii sort of an electronic concussion.
I was thinking about heading out to Worcester for the meet but had been at the one in Swansea a week or two before and hadn't had a chance to get over to the field and just fly so I skipped the meet and went flying. Truth is I'm not a fan of events where you have to wait around for space on a flightline or a clear FPV channel, I'd rather go where it's not crowded and just fly as much or as little as I feel like without having to sit around waiting. I typically get somewhere between 60 to 120 minutes flight time in Mansfield which is near impossible at an event with lots of pilots.
If you find you're going to be in the Mansfield MA area on a Saturday or Sunday send me a PM in advance and I can show you around the field FPV style.