SAR or Protecting public privacy..... which is higher priority?


Still Building!

OUTSTANDING VIDEO! I just watched the entire movie and it was very well done. SAR is by far the higher priority. I was involved with CSAR in the USAF for half of my career in various capacities and one thing that is very hard to come to grips with is utilization of resources. I for one, feel that the use of UAS systems for SAR is something that should be considered a priority.

Mike :)


Active Member
Why does it have to be either/or? Diverting the UAS debate down this kind of narrow side-road is not productive. By establishing a clear "A versus B" question you validate both A and B as tenable positions:

A - Unmanned aerial systems are useful for SAR operations
B - Unmanned aerial systems are a threat to privacy

See the problem?

Why does it have to be either/or? Diverting the UAS debate down this kind of narrow side-road is not productive. By establishing a clear "A versus B" question you validate both A and B as tenable positions:

A - Unmanned aerial systems are useful for SAR operations
B - Unmanned aerial systems are a threat to privacy

See the problem?

I don't see the problem. All cameras, cell phones with cameras and binoculars are a threat to privacy.
Who is banning the use of them.
The issue here is Search and Rescue vs. Peeping Tom.
No one in their right mind, except a Washington bureaucrat, could possibly confuse the two.


Before deciding priorities between SARs and personal privacy in the great outdoors, one has to ask oneself what is his/her personal motivation for the need for privacy in public places!
Those who abide by the laws of the land and are guided by a moral compass I suspect would have less objection and would be most in favor of SARs and proactive monitoring of possible terrorists acts etc.

But any government that covets this technology so as to have extensive control of society might be less inclined to allow the public to have unlimited access to such technology.
The USSR once had this problem under Lenin and Stalin.... wanting to see and hear everything so as to maintain and increase their control to the max...... being trousered apes incapable of trusting anyone including themselves.
