S800 stuff up, think it was me but thoughts and suggestions appreciated :)


Managed to flip the S800 whilst checking over the new set up - so focused on watching to see everything was in order I applied too much throttle but not enough (I wasn't supposed to be taking off if that makes sense) and over we go!.

Four props and one arm damaged - yet GPS mount intact!! Have ordered new arm and props have checked everything seems okay in the WKM Assistant and does.

I've assumed all of the above is pilot error, eg not enough lift for smooth straight take off and with the down draft it just tipped over,, I had calibrated, purple flashing light only etc but any advice on what else I should be aware of once the replacement bits arrive (before trying again!) would be useful or any thoughts if something else may have caused the issue- what an arse!!!


As an aside, if there is anyone in West Sussex that fancies hand holding the next attempt, checking the set up etc, let me know - this newbie pilot has lost her nerve!!!! :)

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
Hi there,

Surprising that it tipped over. Were you doing anything with the right stick like giving movement commands? How does everything behave in the assistant program? All the movements as per instructions? Ooh, and motors turning the correct way?

It's good to check these things just in case there is a setup problem.

I grew up in West Sussex near Horsham. Living over in the Cotswold's now so not that close unfortunately.

For your next try, just lift it up to about 2m off the ground in an open space. If you have a purple light and not reds you won't actually need to control it at all, it should just sit there.

Good luck! We're always happy to help!

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
I'm always up for a drive and have lots of free time. It there's something nice to video or photograph nearby let me know and I'll trundle on over.


Tek care, lambs ont road, MRF Moderator
Top tip for taking off in GPS mode- ie purple led. 1/ Keep you right hand well away from the stick (prevents any inadvertant inputs on take off). 2/ Give it the beans when you want to take off so you get the aircraft well clear of the ground asap. Once the aircraft is 2ft above the ground start to adjust the throttle so that it hovers ie throttle to mid-stick. i have seen what you described a few times and in each case is wasn't just a slow throttle but also a small input on the right stick- each pilot I have seen was not aware of putting in any input with their right hand but it was there sure enough.


I think there must be something else at play, I can hover the S800 just off the ground without any significant issues. Check your wiring from your FC to the S800 and correct setup in the assistant. For a low level flip to do so much damage something is amiss.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Tek care, lambs ont road, MRF Moderator
I think there must be something else at play, I can hover the S800 just off the ground without any significant issues.

That's for sure. With one guy I saw who failed to keep his finger off and give the throttle some beans, I had been flying his rig seconds before hand and it flew perfectly. When he took over having been given very clear instructions to keep his right hand away etc, he didn't, had a bit of a brain freeze and ended up having to replace every single prop on his brand new Skyjib 8 HL. So my point being is that it is not the ability of the copter to fly a few inches off the ground but it is pilot error that can cause such an accident. It is also one of those accidents where the pilot is often unaware of what has happened because with a finger resting on a stick it is very easy to be putting in a small demand without realizing it. Of course there could be many other reasons for Fleabane's incident.


Thanks all for the very constructive help and suggestions, I think it most likely pilot error and wandering hands!!! I was so focused on ensuring everything was right with the build I wasn't concentrating on me!!!

i will however check the points raised and upload some build photos for comment - if okay with all

Ben - would love to take you up on your offer and will drop you a line - thank you. We live on the edge of a 3000 acre estate with a grand house, will see if the owner would be up for some flight tuition over it :D

ive located a v2 arm to replace the snapped one but my S800 came with the v3 - does anyone see this as an issue or know of a supply of CCW, red led V3 arms :)

Thanks again - you've all been very helpful


Have sent you a pm but out of interest what was the wind doing?

Personally once I start the motors I increase to 25% ish, do a quick control orientation check, then get the thing up in the air, especially if it's windy..

good luck


I did exactly the same thing with my Skyjib, checking over the responses at around 30% throttle and did not allow for how light on it's feet it is at this setting.
Over she went and two broken props.
Lesson learned, i still make the same pre take off checks but now very aware of how light the ship is with power on.
