S800 EVO motor vibration absorbers


New Member
I have an early EVO with no motor vibration absorbers. Anyone know if DJI will replace the arms with the correct EVO arms with the motor vibration absorbers installed. I do not relish installing them myself since it will entail disconnecting and resoldering all 6 motors. The amount of motor vibration is excessive and I just ordered TM 15x5 one piece props but the switch may be only a band aid in lieu of absent vibration absorbers.


Some dealers have offered their early s800 EVO customers 'free' upgrade service to address this exact situation. Check with your dealer to see whether they will provide this at no, or a nominal, charge.


I have an early EVO with no motor vibration absorbers. Anyone know if DJI will replace the arms with the correct EVO arms with the motor vibration absorbers installed. I do not relish installing them myself since it will entail disconnecting and resoldering all 6 motors. The amount of motor vibration is excessive and I just ordered TM 15x5 one piece props but the switch may be only a band aid in lieu of absent vibration absorbers.


New Member
S800 evo

Some dealers have offered their early s800 EVO customers 'free' upgrade service to address this exact situation. Check with your dealer to see whether they will provide this at no, or a nominal, charge.


Thanks for the info Steve. I will check with my dealer and send along a note to DJI.
