S800 EVO - landing gear help.


Cool is working!! So, now if i try to control the pan with RD connecting the gcu to port 11, all the ports of the receiver become RD!! My idea is just to control the pitch with LD and pan with RD..and assign a two position switch for shutter..is it possible?

Yes. Check the channel names. For example, if you name two channels "Auxiliary 1" and assign one of them LD then the other will output LD as well. To make things easy, just go into the functions menu and assign channels 9, 10, 11, etc., different names (and not a name used for ports 1-8). Then you can assign a switch or nob to each channel as needed.

A T14SG with an R7008Sb is all you need. In mode D you have channels 9-15 running over the 1-7 ports with sbus on port 8 (and sbus 2 -- the low horizontal port). In that mode just plug the sbus port into the WKM (which will pick up 1-7). You can run 9 to the landing gear (plugged into port 1 on the receiver).

Hi Econfly, I have that setup working now on the T14SG with an R7008Sb, but I can only get channels 9-12 to work (working very well, as it happens).. 13 and 14 show up as digital channels on the Tx and I don't know how to get them to work.. I assign them to switches and in the SERVOS menu I can see that they are turning on and off, but I don't seem to get an output from the Rx. Maybe I need to recycle power to the Tx/RX each time I make a change? Somebody said somewhere I need to use Sbus2, maybe I should try that.
I need two more channels to get the 1-man operation to work 100%. Any ideas?
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Hi Econfly, I have that setup working now on the T14SG with an R7008Sb, but I can only get channels 9-12 to work (working very well, as it happens).. 13 and 14 show up as digital channels on the Tx and I don't know how to get them to work.. I assign them to switches and in the SERVOS menu I can see that they are turning on and off, but I don't seem to get an output from the Rx. Maybe I need to recycle power to the Tx/RX each time I make a change? Somebody said somewhere I need to use Sbus2, maybe I should try that.
I need two more channels to get the 1-man operation to work 100%. Any ideas?

I don't know. Like you, I can get 9, 10, 11, 12 to output on 1, 2, 3, 4 on the receiver, but no luck getting dg1 or dg2. Just guessing, but it may take an s-bus decoder to get those signals out.


i don't have here with me the aricraft because i'm working on my office..but if i remember well, the SHUT port of the GCU is connected to the port n.3 of the 7008 receiver, wich is the channel n.11 because i running in D mode...i'm not sure, but i can let u know tonight. Anyway, any suggest for the landing gear IN servo cable connection?


don't forget to go into "photo mode" with your GH3...in VIDEO mode the shutter doesn't work! Is not like Canon!

i don't have here with me the aricraft because i'm working on my office..but if i remember well, the SHUT port of the GCU is connected to the port n.3 of the 7008 receiver, wich is the channel n.11 because i running in D mode...i'm not sure, but i can let u know tonight. Anyway, any suggest for the landing gear IN servo cable connection?
Sure that should work fine, my problem is getting Channels 13 and 14 (DG1 and 2) to work...
For the retract servo, I connected it to CH1/9 and it works fine. Make sure: the servo cable is connected the right way on the S800 landing legs. Try both ways. If you are getting a red light, you need to reverse the Channel (don't do it with the S800 powered up, or the legs might retract immediately)


Here's another dual RX setup that I just thought of that would allow for control of the WKM and Zen. It utilizes two 6308sbt RXs. It's not quite as "elegant" as the one I proposed earlier, whereby RX1 = 6208 and RX2 = 6308sbt.

The big question I still have is: Will the 6308sbt support the assignment of DG1 and DG2 to channels 13 and 14 via SBUS? As far as I have seen, all other Futaba SBUS receivers allow for this, provided that a CIU programmer is used. I don't see why the 6308sbt wouldn't be able to also. Robbe hasn't gotten back to me yet (and may never). Countless internet searches, copying and pasting into Google translate, and two calls to Futaba support so far have not helped (In fact, Futaba support insists that DG1 and DG2 can only be assigned using SBUS2 ports, regardless of the receiver--they won't even comment about the 6308sbt, since it's a product of Robbe!). I have attached the English manual for the 6308sbt.


  • Dual 6308sbt0001.jpg
    Dual 6308sbt0001.jpg
    69.3 KB · Views: 340
  • 6308sbt RX Manual.pdf
    943 KB · Views: 384
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Louis, I applaude your innovative thinking, but there's no way that could work for me. As I'm flying I am continuously controlling the camera and the multirotor simultaneously with my hands on the controls at all times. That's at least the way *I* operate which is climbing, panning, and tilting in continuous motions. But again, I like your creative problem solving.

Montoya, it all boils down to what you are needing. You design should work, though I'm not understanding what is driving you to that design. If the 6308sbt is the same price as a 6208, then more power to you. For that matter, FrSky has great receivers that could also help your setup, though none that do what the 6308 does. Bottom line is that you understand what each receiver can or cannot do, which I did not know when I first got my 6208. And for me, simply the SBD with 6208 or a cheaper FrSky did the job.
And I do agree with you that only the SBD appears to be able to get you DG1 and DG2, if that's what you need.


Yes, I think the design should work as well. What drives me is the desire to have a simple setup with no need to plug/unplug wires for switching between one- and two-man operation or when separating the gimbal system from the multi rotor. Moreover, I would prefer to only have to pay for and deal with one decoder versus two. Also, if I expand to a more powerful radio later on, the 6308sbt will have more PWM outputs available as well as options such as telemetry. And since I don't have any of the receivers needed yet, I figure it's best to purchase the ones with the most flexibility from the get-go. Lastly, I admit, I like the challenge :)

Edited: Here is one reply that I just received from a Futaba tech that doesn't bode well for my plans:
"Both the 18MZ and 14SG have special menus in the System menu to allow you to use two receivers as you describe, using the S.Bus channel splitting. You can use two receivers with the 12Z, and you could split channels up in PWM. Just not sure it will do it via S.Bus like the other two."

Another member of the forums, who has controlled an SBUS RX and traditional RX simultaneously with his 12z, said that an infinite number of receivers can be bound and controlled with the 12z. As long as the channels on the SBUS of RX2 were not the same as the channels of the SBUS on RX1, I don't see why both SBUS's couldn't be controlled at the same time by the same TX, just as the PWM channels of two different RXs can be controlled in this way. It's not like the receivers are sending information to the TX. It makes me wonder why the 18mz and 14sg would have special menus to allow for this, if I am understanding correctly. Any input?
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Yes, I think the design should work as well. What drives me is the desire to have a simple setup with no need to plug/unplug wires for switching between one- and two-man operation or when separating the gimbal system from the multi rotor. Moreover, I would prefer to only have to pay for and deal with one decoder versus two. Also, if I expand to a more powerful radio later on, the 6308sbt will have more PWM outputs available as well as options such as telemetry. And since I don't have any of the receivers needed yet, I figure it's best to purchase the ones with the most flexibility from the get-go. Lastly, I admit, I like the challenge :)
Makes sense... thanks for explaining. FYI, for me the switching the wire was a non-issue because it's all right there. The splitter I used, I just put the one end right next to the Zen receiver. So it takes me about 15 seconds to unplug from one receiver and connect to the other. Glad you settled on a design you are confortable with.


I just wanted to report that the dual RX setup that I proposed in Post #93 works. Although I don't have a Zenmuse to test with, I have tested the setup with a set of spare servos, WKM, et cetera. Everything works as per the diagram on said post, where RX 1 = 6208 and RX 2 = 6308sbt (I ordered the latter from Europe, since it's not sold in the U.S.). Thanks to everyone who chimed in to help me figure this all out, especially ProPilotWannaBe.


I just wanted to report that the dual RX setup that I proposed in Post #93 works. Although I don't have a Zenmuse to test with, I have tested the setup with a set of spare servos, WKM, et cetera. Everything works as per the diagram on said post, where RX 1 = 6208 and RX 2 = 6308sbt (I ordered the latter from Europe, since it's not sold in the U.S.). Thanks to everyone who chimed in to help me figure this all out, especially ProPilotWannaBe.

Great to hear that! Sounds like a great solution, one that I might have to consider for my next setup. Thanks for the update. Happy Thanksgiving!


New Member
Hey I am having a problem with my landing gear for my s800 evo as well. however I am using the T18MZ instead of the 14SG. When I am trying to configure it I get a solid green light then a solid red then back to solid green but it still doesn't connect and other times I get flashing yellow then solid yellow then nothing will happen after that. I have followed the instructions to a tee that I found on the DJI website. I have only just recently got into the industry. Could someone please help me out and let me now what I am doing wrong.

