OK, so now I'm hope. I will first try to describe what I have and what the setup is, and if a picture is needed, I can diagram one up later.
So I have two of R6208SB receivers (
http://www3.towerhobbies.com/cgi-bin/wti0001p?&I=LXAVCR&P=FR&gclid=CLSC492b1roCFe1aMgod3E0ARA), and 1 or 2 SBD sbus decoders (
. You will also need the decoder programmer (
http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uh_viewitem.asp?idproduct=24481). You will also need one or two servo cable splitters (
http://www.amazon.com/12-inch-Servo...F8&qid=1383949158&sr=8-9&keywords=servo+cable). (I'll explain in a bit why I said 1 or 2.)
So let's talk single person setup for the Wookong (7 channels), landing gear, Z15 tilt, Z15 photo on/off, Z15 video on/off, and Z15 operating mode. This setup only requires 12 channels as you can see.
So "R6208SB-1" is my primary receiver for WKM, and "R6208SB-2" is primary receiver for the Z15. Under single person setup I connect the landing gear to R6208SB-1 output #8. Then I connect one of the splitters to the SBUS output of R6208SB-1, and connect the Wookong SBUS input ("X2") to one side of splitter. At this point your Wookong and Landing Gear should be fully functional (presuming you have your transmitter setup for channels 1-7 for Wookong operation, and channel 8 for landing gear).
For Z15 setup, pull out one of the SBUS decoders (we'll call it "SBD-1"). First you'll need to program it. Using the SBD programmer, I programmed output wire #1 to "Channel 11", wire #2 to "Channel 12", wire #3 to "DG1", and wire #4 to "DG2". Now connect the SBD-1 output #1 to the Z15 Tilt input, #2 to the Mode input, #3 to the Shut input, and #4 to the Aux3 input. On the transmitter side, map Channel 11 to whatever control you want to use for Tilt control, map Channel 12 to a three-way switch, map DG1 to a two-way switch, and DG2 to another two-way switch. (I use RS for the tilt control, SD for the operating mode, and SC for photo and video... up takes picture, down turns on/off the video.)
Now your SBD is all ready to control those channel. For single channel operation, just plug the SBD input wire into the other output of the splitter we connected to R6208SB-1.
In my current setup, I then have servo wires connecting the remaining four Z15 inputs (Pan, Aux1, Roll, and Aux2) connected to my second receiver R6208SB-2, outputs 1-4. If you don't have a second receiver, you probably don't even have to connect those up. The Z15 will default to Pan "forward", Roll "level", HDMI output on, and FPV "forward".
When I switch from single person setup to dual person setup, I simply unplug the SBD wire from the splitter, and connect it to the R6208SB-2 SBD output. That gives my camera guy full control over the Z15 on all axis and all functions. Then when it's back to just me, I unplug the SBD from the second receiver, and plug it into my splitter coming out of the primary receiver R6208SB-1.
I have had planned for some time now to use the second SBD I have, and another splitter, as a means to add Roll control and FPV mode control for single person setup. I can explain that variance later if you wish.
I hope this was somewhat clear. I am going to try to draw this up tonight and see if a diagram might help.