Recommend a charging station for me!

Your stabbing yourself in the foot again.
Your Power supply unit is only good for 40A continuous supply.
If you are charging 2 x 10A lipos at 1C you will be getting quite close to the max, unless you can turn your voltage up much higher which you cant.

These chargers have all sorts of fail safes built in, and will alarm out if there is any problem.
They check each cell individually, and if 1 has too many Volts it will cut off, as it sees a problem, so by adding a parallel charger to a duo if you were charging 4x 10A lipos then it could take twice as long, not to mention what it would do to all your chargers built in safety settings.

To get a pair of 6S lipos up to 25.2V actually really only takes 20-25 mins, the remainder of the charging time 15-25 mins is used to do it really slowly, so in theory you could have 2 fully charged 6S lipos every 20 mins or so, that should be more than plenty to keep things going.
Better safe than sorry, especially if you are like me and dont really know much about how this charging stuff works.

I forgot to say I have some other 6s lipo's
4 x 6s 5000mah Nano = not that impressed with them
2 x 6s 5800mah Zippy = seem to be good
2 x 6 10A Heliguy white label = seem good
I would only parallel the 5000mah/5800mah if any. It should be safe to parallel 2 x 5A lipo's with that 40A parallel board on each channel ?
Its just a though at the moment i will purchase 1 charger and leave it at that until I've used it for a bit.
Im still trying different batteries to find the best for my aircraft.
Quinton you do seem to know a lot about the subject mate.


Just a quick update to the above link i just posted..

2400w psu in a case etc £ the moment it will be 3 weeks if you contact ian now..

I have just ordered the 2400w psu which comes the like the pics ( choose your own logo) £115,also in that price at various protection circuits to protect the 308 and 4010 chargers..

Steve.<object type="cosymantecnisbfw" cotype="cs" id="SILOBFWOBJECTID" style="width: 0px; height: 0px; display: block;"></object>
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Active Member
Just a quick update to the above link i just posted..

2400w psu in a case etc £ the moment it will be 3 weeks if you contact ian now..

I have just ordered the 2400w psu which comes the like the pics ( choose your own logo) £115,also in that price at various protection circuits to protect the 308 and 4010 chargers..

Steve.<object type="cosymantecnisbfw" cotype="cs" id="SILOBFWOBJECTID" style="width: 0px; height: 0px; display: block;"></object>
Thanks for posting.
What a great Idea, just spoke with Ian on the phone and put my order in for the cased version, I was a bit dubious at first, but completely sold on it now.
The videos on his stuff are great, and a really nice person into the bargain.

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
The 308 and 4010 seem the most popular on this thread. The price difference is minimal between the two. I like the idea of under utilising the 4010. I won't be using it at it's peak performance anyway but I like things to have a little more power than I really need.

I was thinking the same Ben.
Would the 4010 be safe to use with the following to charge parallel ?

or just stick with 2 lipo's at the same time ?
I should be halving my charge time by the sounds of it anyway.[/QUOTE]

I think you misunderstood me Jamie, I have no intention of parallel charging, hence why I will go for a DUO. I don't even need to charge in 20minutes, an hour would be fine. I think on-site charging is rarely necessary. I just have a ton of lipos.

Sorry for taking so long to reply. I'm fully booked for a while so been out at the crack of dawn everyday this week (and for the rest of the week) catching the morning sun from one end of the country to the other. I hate the motorway now! It's really weird how it can be so sunny in one place but 100 miles away it's torrential rain. I was in Devon this morning and the sun was shining but in Gloucestershire it was pissing down all day. Same yesterday, Nottinghamshire was glorious but the south west was wet as hell.

Back to topic, for now I'm holding off on a new charger till next month. I've got three 6S chargers that are doing the job in the time I need them too which will see me through the Spring. I keep spending all my money on GensAce lipos!

Great topic this turned out to be! Usually I'm the thread-ender type of guy who stifles discussion, my happy-go-lucky demeanor doesn't come across when I type!

Cool Ben, Great news if your busy all week.

I don't want to parallel charge either, just wanted to know if that would be safe seeing as them boards are 40A and the charger sound like it will handle it.


New Member
Evening All.

Thank you for the compliments on the case builds, I am really enjoying putting these custom built charge case's together for customers and appreciate their business.

I thought you might like to see my latest case build housing a PL8 DUO which will be going out to it's owner in Spain some time this week. I do have a video I am going to upload and will post the link here when I have done so. Weight of this case is 10kg and this one was a little different having the name machined in the deck and dimmer controlled lights for night flying in the lid.
There is another photo of one housing PL6.

I welcome your comments and suggestions.

Ian Contessa


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Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
Wow, nice setup! I recognize that name, Raquel Bellot, isn't she the famous (and good looking) 3D heli pilot?

Ian, it might be worth putting your website in your signature (via settings, and then signature on the left).


New Member
Wow, nice setup! I recognize that name, Raquel Bellot, isn't she the famous (and good looking) 3D heli pilot?

Ian, it might be worth putting your website in your signature (via settings, and then signature on the left).

Hey Buddy.

Thank you for the compliment.

Lol, yes that's the one. She also flies with her hands over her head and behind her back and is as you say very well known in the 3D heli community. I am understandably excited at being asked by Raquel & Dave Dijkmans to build them a case and I got a chance to try some new things.

Good idea, thank you. I will add some details to my signature.
As I've only just joined, after being shown the forum link, I didn't want to just come across as advertising myself.


Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
Fair enough. Welcome to the forum in that case! :nevreness:

Might be worth messaging Bartman and asking about a vendor support page. Not sure how that section works to be honest so I'll leave it to him. Maybe ask about an advertising package also, he may have some spaces left.


Active Member
Just got my charging station through from Ian, along with a couple of Robbe Lipo safe boxes for safely charging the lipos.
2400W power supply at my disposal.
Still need to fit a 308 duo into it, but at least now I will feel a bit safer when charging and storage.
Very pleased, really good job.

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Anyone using or considered using these chargers? I'm new to all of this, been flying on 4S and I'm now considering 6S and I didm;t think about how much longer it might take to charge a 6S.

Quinton, that Lipo Safe is a great idea. I have a DIY safe made out of cinder block and Lipo bag but I don't really trust it...


Active Member
Anyone using or considered using these chargers? I'm new to all of this, been flying on 4S and I'm now considering 6S and I didm;t think about how much longer it might take to charge a 6S.

Quinton, that Lipo Safe is a great idea. I have a DIY safe made out of cinder block and Lipo bag but I don't really trust it...

Have a check through this thread, there is good info on it, just remember that your power supply is just as important, get one that will cover you in the future at least 1200-1500W.

We did look through a few different lipo safes, but thought this one would be the best protection for the price, but they are pretty heavy at 7kg
There is enough room in there for storing about 3 x 6S lipos which is good for the price (around £55)
What I liked about that one is it is also about the right size to put a cheap lipo fire bag into for double protection.
Its not air tight or anything but I think that is in the design to allow the pressure to escape if anything did happen.

There are others around too.

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
Just got my charging station through from Ian, along with a couple of Robbe Lipo safe boxes for safely charging the lipos.
2400W power supply at my disposal.
Still need to fit a 308 duo into it, but at least now I will feel a bit safer when charging and storage.
Very pleased, really good job.

View attachment 22643

That looks lovely mate! I had never seriously considered a lipo safe, but now it's all I can think about! How much did that setup cost? And what's the cool little remote control for?


Active Member
That looks lovely mate! I had never seriously considered a lipo safe, but now it's all I can think about! How much did that setup cost? And what's the cool little remote control for?

The remote is to control the LEDs in the box to give you different colours and disco light seizures if you want.
You cant have a charge station without blinkey lights :)

For a better quote it would be best to speak to Ian directly at coolice but at the time of purchase this was taken from an email, this is the 2x 1200 watt option rem (2400w @ 25v)...

The base case price is £300 posted to your door with all the standard parts such as PSU’s, protection circuit, 1 or 2 deck mounted binding posts for 12/25 volt feeds, deck cut to suit 308 DUO mounted under deck, LED lighting and USB charge sockets. So once completed you can just flip the deck up, fit your 308 DUO and connect the EC5, close the deck down and start charging.

I usually request £160 as a deposit, allows me to buy all the components etc and then the remainder of £140 paid on completion of the case.
The LiPo boxes are £54.99 if we go with the Robbe ones, so add the price for two of them to the £160 and that will be the deposit...

The few extras like connectors and cables in the lipo safe was another £20 then it was actually £20 postage to me, which was really good as it was almost 18kgs, may be cheaper if you are on the mainland.


New Member
Hey Quinton.

Glad you got them safe and sound. As you can imagine worry sets in when you leave the final delivery to a 3rd party, we've all heard stories of parcels being mishandled.

So please you're happy with the charge case and safety boxes the latter worked out very neat once I'd got the wires through.

Thanks for your custom.



Active Member
OK I got my charger today, I decided on the 406 Duo instead of the 308 as it was capable of 40A each channel on 6s the same as the 4010 duo.
This thing is really light/small and silent compared to my other charger.
Now I see I have Internal resistance measurement which is nice, however I noticed 1 of the cells was "slightly" higher than all the others on 1 lipo.

Can anyone who has some knowledge on IR let me know what an acceptable limit would be for IR, and what it would read when I should look at replacing batteries?
Also can IR be taken into account the same when I am charging or discharging
