Aeronavics / Droidworx Retrack Legs


Hi All
i have had an issue with the Retractable legs { Lower Part } where one of the Plastic coupling's has snapped and came off in flight as soon as my Skyjib 8 took off and i had to land it on the Retrack as the lower leg was on the floor, so can anyone tell me the best place to get some replacements and i ask anyone out there to check there Coupling on your Retracks.

i will post a photo later.




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i have not done any hard landings at all, just soft Landings and Normally on Grass, but what you pay for these Retracks those Couplings are Cheap and not fit for Purpose, i have sent photos onto Aeronavics to see what the say.

SoCal Blur

A little JB Weld will fix that right up. If they send you a replacement, repair the broken one and keep it for a spare.


Drone Enthusiast
i have not done any hard landings at all, just soft Landings and Normally on Grass, but what you pay for these Retracks those Couplings are Cheap and not fit for Purpose, i have sent photos onto Aeronavics to see what the say.

I have been flying the same legs for over 18months with no mither, I have landed hard and displaced the skids with out braking the holding bracket. Just think you may have been unlucky with yours. As for 'Fit For Purpose' that have proved they are because they are a whole lot cheaper to replace than a set of skids. Things break in this game. like crumple zones on cars its best that minor part give up fist before say the skids or indeed the leg plates.

Any how where are you on the planet. PM me your address I will send you a pair, all I ask is that you send me them back when you get a replacement from Aeronavics.

Be quick, I am off to Finland on Sunday 2nd



Aerial DP
I have 2 sets that work a lot, crashed em, sent them through all kinds of hell and mine are fine. Must have just got caught up in the snap thing and not released in time to prevent it, that or there over tightened.

still, email droidworx and have them see if they got just that piece. To get anywhere else would involve buying a whole leg kit minus the mechanical part if you could find that small of a package.
