My thoughts after 1 viewing the other day.
1. Thought stabilization was ok. It should be, this stuff isn't rocket science anymore and they have the engineers and coders to make it happen.
2. I would never consider buying that setup if that camera is the best they got. One of my big complaints over the years (besides the fish-eye) with GoPro's, is their lack of exposure control. IMO, to properly film from a drone, a good portion of the time you have to be able to change exposure, preferably with a ND filter or F stop. Last resort is the ISO settings. There are too many times with the GoPro when shooting in the forests, in dark settings, etc. when they set the exposure to bright for the dark areas to bring them up and your grey or light blue sky gets blown out. Frustrates the heck out of me. Of course it's no problem when shooting against a bright blue sky, but where we live and shoot, bright blue sky is the exception, not the rule....
While I was VERY disappointed in the footage from the exposure standpoint, I also thought it's a good start and since this is a pre-release video, let's hope they come out with a better camera. The DJI x3 and x5 along with the soon to be released Black Magic Micro Cinema camera have set a new bar. Control while flying to set the correct exposure while monitoring your levels on the ground. Without that, they will only succeed if it's the lowest cost MR out there with a camera.