Picloc 3x setting experience etc.


George, can I please remind you that I informed you many months ago that programming the Picloc wirelessly through the Jeti Duplex link doesn't work properly. It works fine if you plug the JetiBox (standard or mini) into the receiver, but if you plug it into the Jeti Tx module, then it is very difficult to accept any button presses and every few seconds, there is a "left" button press event even though I have not pressed the button. You told me that you thought it was a timing issue, but you haven't corrected it in any later versions. For me, it is vital that I can program the Picloc while flying in order to get the best setup. Please, if you can fix this, I will be a lot happier.


Hi George, i have send U some questions, please replay (last email is from yesterday 10:44:06, its includes all previous to that I did not get a reply ).


Hi Holco.....
Ok... here we go....

these are pre-production units which I'm testing and continuing to improve new firmware, until the production units arrive.

3RSX_3XPROv2 resize.jpg

3RSX_3XPROv2 side_resize.jpg

The Production units are somewhat different. Can't say more right now.

Hope everyone likes them.


Hi George,

First at all: good to see you back.
Second: can you a little bit explain, what is/will be the different between all these versions?
Almost 2 years ago i ordered already the first 3X, and now there are 2 more versions.
The first i got, was a long time to wait and a lot of work to bring it to work, and now i see (after 8 month), there are already several hardware-updates.
"Do i need" the upgrade? i'm not sure, because the 3X v1 is not soo well and satisfactionly working until today and cost me a couple hundred euros.
I dont wanna complain, but what shall i (we) do? It would be pity to see all these unused piclocs in the corner.

i hope, you understand, what i want to ask you. it isnt a complaint.


Hi George.
I found the interest problem (?).
If ROLL function not checked SKEW checkbox, then NOT used the acceleration gain parameter. (maybe smooth parameter too)
(i used roll direction fine-controll by POT on transmitter).
Solved problem: checked the roll skew and designated the aileron stick.


Hi all
Please send link the picloc toolz v053. I found the "2011-12_04_P3XPRO_v053_STD.HEX" firmware but not working the 055 toolz.
Thank you


In the moment I have given up on my Picloc 3X Std. I have now removed it from my gimbal, leaving a non-stabilized, 3-way-gimbal and it is better than ever. No random horizon tilting, no jittering, no shaking, simply the way I would like to have it except for the fact that it is, indeed, following every movement of the copter which the Picloc should have resolved.

I don't know if I should sell that thing or wait (again…) for the hardware update. Very unhappy.


In the moment I have given up on my Picloc 3X Std. I have now removed it from my gimbal, leaving a non-stabilized, 3-way-gimbal and it is better than ever. No random horizon tilting, no jittering, no shaking, simply the way I would like to have it except for the fact that it is, indeed, following every movement of the copter which the Picloc should have resolved.

I don't know if I should sell that thing or wait (again…) for the hardware update. Very unhappy.

THats what i am saying..! George has first to solve all the problems or the important problems of the old unit and them realease another unit..!


Heli's & Tele's bloke
In the moment I have given up on my Picloc 3X Std ... Very unhappy.

Sorry to hear all that. The whole business of camera stabilisation can certainly be very frustrating. May I ask what airframe and FC system you are using?

I went through all sorts of merry hell of 'always almost there but never quite' with the 3X on the Copterworks gimbal and eventually signed off on that one and sold the 3X. In contrast, I seem to have arrived at some sort of happy understanding with the 3X installed on my DW AD-8 because it is actually doing rather well. If there is nothing physically wrong with your 3X in your place I would sell it whilst there is still a market for it and either wait for the new one or try another solution.

If you are using MK electronics there is honestly not much wrong with the built-in camera mount control, as long as you can do without the Pan axis - which is not much of a loss frankly. My AD-8 setup is wired such that I can swap over to the MK FC camera control in a minute or change from one-man to two-man in two. I keep the MK option open and instantly available in case the 3X ever decides to throw a tantrum one day in the middle of a shoot. But for now it is working well.

One very useful tip for the 3X: keep your gains low. As GM once posted, keep the gains around 200 and if you need a faster response, fit faster servos. Pushing the Accel Gains only makes the whole thing nervous.


Using Wookong on mine which does a good job in flying my pretty large craft and until now the gimbal output was dismal. They apparently have rejoined the game with the last firmware so I might try to give that a shot. Problem is, I do have a pan axis I want to keep using so it is rather unsatisfying at the moment. I think I'll throw that thing on the market and wait, using no stab for now.


Hi all.
I solved the ROLL drifting for V56.
Picloc very sensitive the geomertical regularity. If not parallel the picloc plastic edge-x-axis the gimbal-x-axis and/or y, the picloc corrected x axis while error occurs the other axis. Results: ACC corrected x axis and 2-3 sec correcting the y axis,...... and repeat.

I calibrated the ACC the full aclinic. No roll drifting and perfect gimbal working.

PL is 40° on full inner side.
Very hard problem the missing "sensor-fusion". Actually x-axis measure x, y-y, z-z. (I think)
This is problem if pitch remote close 90°. George please
weighting in GYRO sensor measurements of the ACC. If, for example. x-ACC = 45 ° and Y-ACC-45° then note 50% the Y gyro sensor as well. Only 90 degrees on the Y.
sorry the worst english.
I ratiocinate, sorry if folly.



Are yiu saying you calibrated the pl acc. 40 deg offset?
And did you do that to compensate for roll gimbal freak-out at 90 deg (straight down) ?
Pl mounted on-axis.


Hi all.
I solved the ROLL drifting for V56.
Picloc very sensitive the geomertical regularity. If not parallel the picloc plastic edge-x-axis the gimbal-x-axis and/or y, the picloc corrected x axis while error occurs the other axis. Results: ACC corrected x axis and 2-3 sec correcting the y axis,...... and repeat.

I calibrated the ACC the full aclinic. No roll drifting and perfect gimbal working.

PL is 40° on full inner side.
Very hard problem the missing "sensor-fusion". Actually x-axis measure x, y-y, z-z. (I think)
This is problem if pitch remote close 90°. George please
weighting in GYRO sensor measurements of the ACC. If, for example. x-ACC = 45 ° and Y-ACC-45° then note 50% the Y gyro sensor as well. Only 90 degrees on the Y.
sorry the worst english.
I ratiocinate, sorry if folly.

can you make it a little more simple???! As you see we cannot undestand..! Pleasee :) :)

Thank you!


I translated google (from english). Now I do not understand :nevreness:

All 3 ACC sensor is used gravity sensor. Absolutely good from measure gravity vector, but slowly raction time (more secundum).
Gyro is fast but drifting, and if rotated the measuring angle to close 90°, then useless results. (etc. PITCH -90° (camera nose down). Then ROLL direction measure impossible only roll gyro sensor).
But possible the roll direction the PAN sensor if it camera nose down (His position is then measured) (PL is inner side and rotated too +90°). The two sensor function change.
Therefore think that the ACC should be weighted according to the two (or three gyro value).
was understandable? :)

Are yiu saying you calibrated the pl acc. 40 deg offset?
No. ACC Calibrated absolutely horizontal position.
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Heli's & Tele's bloke

we are waiting for some v2 sample :) the v1 is the best soo far as u can see it, we loove it.

Hmm, that sounds like a good wheeze. Worth a try at least.

Ahem ... er, George ... erm, the 3X v1 is great, in fact the best so far, lurv it actually .... so, er ... waiting for the v2 sample, ... as soon as you can please! There's a good boy.


Without Picloc the videos I can do with my copter are actually quite useable! I was pretty impressed when flying last week without any stabilization on the camera gimbal. If you watch the video you might see what the Picloc would have to do on my copter when flying: not much! With Picloc I got tilting horizon, jittering servos, generally very unsatisfying behavior.

Video is in parts slightly stabilized to counteract some control inputs (which of course translate directly to the mount and camera), some parts are completely unstabilized.

So for now I will keep waiting until someone puts something on the market that is actually able to deliver what it promises.
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FPV Freak
Without Picloc the videos I can do with my copter are actually quite useable! I was pretty impressed when flying last week without any stabilization on the camera gimbal. If you watch the video you might see what the Picloc would have to do on my copter when flying: not much! With Picloc I got tilting horizon, jittering servos, generally very unsatisfying behavior.

Video is in parts slightly stabilized to counteract some control inputs (which of course translate directly to the mount and camera), some parts are completely unstabilized.

So for now I will keep waiting until someone puts something on the market that is actually able to deliver what it promises.

U can sell it to me. :)
Every picloc working great with right gimbal and right servos. So Who ever want to sell the picloc, he can contact me.
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