holco i had the same problem. Reflashed it a couple times with the older FW versions and is worked with the old toolz again all of a sudden. I dont know though what i did differently in my tries
make sure continous updates are off before connecting with the older toolz version, but I am pretty sure you thought of it.
holco i had the same problem. Reflashed it a couple times with the older FW versions and is worked with the old toolz again all of a sudden. I dont know though what i did differently in my tries
make sure continous updates are off before connecting with the older toolz version, but I am pretty sure you thought of it.
Hi Mario,
I should still have it on my little Asus, It will take some time since i have to find the the charger,
but i will pm you and put it on a websever once i have it.
Unfortunately that link is for v.055.
Boris, if you found FW v053 and its accompanying Toolz on "your little Asus" can you post it somewhere please?
...The only problem is that none of the setup files work anymore once connecting to rotorpics.com during the setup procedure...
Did some testing with the Picloc yesterday using v.055....