Here it is. Cut and paste as necessary:
"Hello Sen. Padilla,
I am concerned about the "drone" bill recently proposed. As an avid hobbyist and aerospace engineer, I appreciate and enjoy this technology. I currently use my R/Cs to film and photograph landscapes and scenery - legally - always respecting both the privacy and safety of others.
Beyond being used by hobbyists, this technology supports a budding industry that is positively impacting the economy and communities. Many filmmakers use this technology to achieve shots not previously possible. Firefighters, police, and search and rescue groups can be greatly aided with portable and inexpensive UAVs. These are just a few examples for a segment that really has no limits if protected.
There has been a recent trend of linking hobbyists and those interested in commercial avenues with anti-privacy and killing machines. The media has generally portrayed UAVs (or "drones") as a largely scary unknown. The reality is vastly different. While I do agree that well-crafted legislation can be a benefit, wide-sweeping restrictions will have a negative impact and destroy an ever-growing segment of industry and recreation. Privacy is something that should be protected. However, portraying hobbyists and technology aficionados as likely anti-privacy offenders is detrimental and discouraging. Most if not all users, act responsibly and avoid violating individuals privacy. Regulations should not be made out of fear of the unknown. Rather, laws should be carefully crafted with the consideration of all groups affected.
I encourage to reach out to the community to help craft these guidelines. Done correctly, this technology can be a much need boon to the Californian economy. I also encourage you to invest in crafting laws that will help small businesses forge ahead in this industry seemingly made for California's large filmmaking community, rather than stifle it. I hope that you consider my comments.
Jonathan M"