Tau Labs OP Developers banned

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if you had to moderate between Tim and QA you would understand ... dankers knows
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Spare me, crawl under the rock from which you came. I will forget that I thought you might be a friend. OP does what it does and I don't give a flying Ferk, good luck with that

You thought I was a friend? really? Why is that now? Because we exchanged a few emails? ummm ok old pal. Kinda like how I make a random comment / thread post and all the sudden I represent all of the OP community with how "open minded and gracious" the group is. Surely Bartman was "killing" you for a reason.

If you didn't care what OP does you wouldn't email me about what "they" do about once a month, oh wait you are my friend and it is just neighborly chatter.

Stop implying that your crew is all open minded and gracious ...

Going back under my rock.


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
And that concludes this thread. Thanks again to everyone for your participation! :)


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