Good day! I'm from Russia and I plan to build a big Gas Engine Multirotor, and..


New Member
Good day! I'm from Russia and I plan to build a big Gas Engine Multirotor, and a manned mutirotor too!

My name is Ruslan and I'm 28 years old. I am from Russia. All my life I wanted to fly. Since childhood I’ve build all sorts of flying gizmos and models of planes, helicopters, spaceships etc. In 14 years, I attended Aero Club, where I studied skydiving and piloting aircraft. Unfortunately, in Russia (as well as in some other countries) aircraft ownership poses a number of difficulties. Large Aircraft is large (not for garage), requires special storage and the special airfields. Therefore, a small device, the dimensions close to the car is the way out for those who want to fly.
Not long time ago, the notion of "quadrocopter" and “multirotor flying machines” appeared. It’s relatively simple in design and management, and it’s scale well. I am also interested in such devices and made some models in different sizes.
Near the year ago in Germany Thomas Senkel made the first manned flight on the electric multicopter. That unit has a major drawback - low battery capacity and short flight. At this point - the only way to avoid this - a hybrid multicopter. The main thrust creates by internal combustion engine system and electric motors are used for balance. Thus, we can use a small battery as a power booster for electric motors. Ant it’s charged by the generator.
At the moment, I have built a simplified electrical model (on photo) in scale 1:3.4 (approximately) in order to test the possibility to carry out such a device at all. Now, I plan to build almost an exact copy of a future device in 1:2, with the internal combustion engine. And I need $ 10,000. Then I will built a full-size machine, the construction of which I estimated to be about $ 30,000-50,000.
In turn, the model with the engine can be used as a standalone unit. For example, it is suitable for patrol (a few hours of free flight), to survey from the air with heavy equipment (10 + kg) and for something else, which takes a lot of multicopter flight time or the ability to lift a heavy load.

You can see here first electric prototipe:


My IndieGoGo page is:

Page's Updates are not often..

It's a great idea but not without significant challenges. Have you considered the sluggish response time of a gas engine compared to an electric motor? Gas engines are notorious for changing speed slowly as compared to electric motors. Now if you could design a gas driven micro electric generator without imparting torque on one axis you will have solved the issue of short flight times once and for all..... Diesel fuel has tremendous energy density and the weight of your multi-rotor decreases as the fuel is consumed.....unlike battery powered vehicles. Also looking for some assistance from a mechanical engineer might be a good idea..... they have the inside scoop on what is achievable with existing technologies and what might soon be available.


New Member
Main motor (ICE) will be connect directly to the throttle channel. It will use only for hovering. And 8 electric motors will be connect to the controller, and use for balance.
Now, I use two electric motors for hovering. It's connect to each other and direct to the 6-th channel of RC-receiver. And other (4 "small" motors for balance) are connected to the KK2.0 board like in the traditional Quadrocopter.


Active Member
You guys from Russia are a bunch of maniacs.......and I love it. :tennis:

There was actually a lot of cool stuff coming from Russia: (also posted across this forum) :

One of my all-time hero in motorcycle design is coming from Russia, Yuri Shif:

To power a multicopter with some type of gas engine is a cool idea, but might take some serious engineering. The principle of the Multirotors we use is to have 4, 6 or 8 electrical motors where the agility and balance of the aircraft is realized by changing the speed of each motor by the Flight Controller, also because we have fixed blade propellers. With a gas engine, I guess you need an engine with a fixed speed and have to find a way to change the angles of the blades of each propeller, like it's done with Single Rotor Helis on the tail rotor:

Annoying voice, but good info:

Obviously the weight will be higher, but with a gas engine that should not be a problem. The challenge I can see is to develope (or modify an existing) mechanism to change the angles of the propellers and find a Flight Contoller who is able to do the job.

In any way, you might have a long and steep way ahead, but I believe it's possible to do and would really love to see your project becoming a success......every jurney begins with the first step.

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