I reckon I just shut my eyes, and my 2 year old yelled out "dadda, wanna get up" at 6am. LOL. I have to solder on the baterry terminal better, I'm not happy with it. I think my soldering iron is stuffed as I wasnt getting the solder quite hot enough. I got the ESC's on thanks to a butane torch, but I need the main power input better. I'll drop into the hardware and get a new 80watt Soldering iron, and 4 bolts I need to get the last 2 motors on. This will happen tonight, and then I'll get the FC platform on, followed by the crash cage, dome and GPS mast. Slowly getting there. I'd be finished if I didnt have a 2yo, but she's been a great help. This morning she said "Wow, look at daddas chopper, isnt it byoodiful" She's so rite, it is. She's got as much interest in it as I do.