New to this world. Have S800 and want to learn. Advice welcome..


Hi Everyone

I'm completely new to all this. I've just brought a S800, I've no background with RC, I can put it all together (thanks to sites like this and You Tube) but then the hard bit begins.
Can anyone direct me to a tutorial for linking the controler to the DJI and all the other do's and don't they don't show you on the promo vids?

I've been looking forward to this for ages, but now the kit is here, I've realised the learning curve is steeper than I though. However, It doesn't scare me at all, but I would like to get it right, hence the thread.

Look forward to your help.......or mocking.

The kit I have: Futaba 8FG, Wookong Autopilot

Do a search in the forum for Jon DesJardin who provides links to some of the best video tutorials I have seen for linking the Futaba T8FG Super to the Naza...... WKM interface is essentially the same as most of the harder work is at the RC transmitter configuration end. Saved me many hours and was able to take off 1st time without incident.


Hi Everyone

I'm completely new to all this. I've just brought a S800, I've no background with RC, I can put it all together (thanks to sites like this and You Tube) but then the hard bit begins....

Welcome to the party. I think you'll find the people on this board to be particularly friendly and supportive. I assume you are diligently flying a simulator to get the basics of flight down (and the inevitable crashes without breaking your baby). Frankly, given the investment you've made, I'd suggest you get at least two flight sims as they all have different flight characteristics and becoming proficient on more than one will pay dividens out in the real world.

In fact, you might want to pay the bucks to pick up a FlameWheel or even a Phantom to get real world chops before you risk the big boy.

Feel free to ask any questions here. You'll be mocked only for your taste in women, liquor and clothing.

I agree... I started out with a Blade MQX, moved up to the DJI F550 Naza c/w GPS using Futaba T8FG Super RC radio and am now building a modified F550 c/w WKM GPS waypoint c/w 900Mhz datalink. Fewer crashes with every step up. I can now spot land inside a large bucket. Can't afford to crash the big ones as they hit the ground so much harder and cost so much more to repair.


Thanks Peter!

Let me know if you have questions that I might be able to help with, I've got some stick time on the S800 now too


Thanks Peter!

Let me know if you have questions that I might be able to help with, I've got some stick time on the S800 now too

Thanks All, very encouraging.

Des, can I begin with how much I appreciate your time with this. I haven't even begun to put it together yet (work life gets in the way) but when I do, what should I be careful of etc....?


Thanks for this.
I've a simulator on the PC but not a specific multirotor one, What one would you advise?

Re Women: Most of the pro dancers on strictly for a start!


Just my 2 penneth.

Make sure you have all the electronics planned out and purchased before you begin your build.
Space is tight in the centre plate and it helps to think about what goes where to make for clean cable routing etc.

Nothing should touch the IMU when it's in place. When fitting the IMU i cut several pieces of card, the width of each IMU side and taped them on equally on all sides until i had a tight, but smooth fit with the hole in the upper plate.

With the IMU held in place by the card in the upper plate, apply the mounting tape, put the lower plate into position and push the IMU down, to make the bond.

15mins laters, remove the lower plate, with the IMU now stuck in place, removed the card and refit the lower plate.
You should have an IMU which is absolutely straight and clear of the upper plate on all sides.

The DJI assembly movie shows some chap doing this job 'freehand' but unless you have lady fingers and a rocksteady arm, it's a fiddle to do it this way and have it straight and not touching the upper plate.


Thanks for this. I'm writing this on the manual. You know I can't find, other than the main craft, an decent assembly video anywhere. The two from Roswell Flight centre do a decent one but I need the detail like you spoke of. Any links anyone?


Active Member
+1 on everything plingboot said.

Once you have the bottom plate off, make sure you cover all the electrical connections, which are soldered on the top plate, preferably with "liqui tape" or similar.

Try to get prop adapters to be able to use different props than the original DJI Carbon props. They are junk and make the S800 shake like a wet dog.
Have a read here for further information:

When setting up the WooKong M in the assistan software, make sure you take your time, do it step by step...and pay special attention when setting the center of gravity (COG) ....those + and - settings can get irritating for a beginner.

This will help you a bit with the WooKong settings:

....and have a pair of fresh underwear ready for your first flight.....:tennis:

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There's not a whole bunch of info required really, just some careful consideration of what additional kit you'll be using and how that all needs to go together.

Watch the DJI video, there's a bit where he holds up the populated centre plate, screen grab that as it shows how/where DJI place the PMU and other bits.

The big downfall for me is the lack of an appropriate fixing point for the GPS mast. This is an integrated solution for the WKM, so it defies logic to not have fixed/removable point for this component.

In fact i'd go as far as to suggest that DJI should probably map the centre plate out with fixing points for all WKM components and suggested points for obvious third party bits and pieces like rx's etc.


There's not a whole bunch of info required really, just some careful consideration of what additional kit you'll be using and how that all needs to go together.

Watch the DJI video, there's a bit where he holds up the populated centre plate, screen grab that as it shows how/where DJI place the PMU and other bits.

The big downfall for me is the lack of an appropriate fixing point for the GPS mast. This is an integrated solution for the WKM, so it defies logic to not have fixed/removable point for this component.

In fact i'd go as far as to suggest that DJI should probably map the centre plate out with fixing points for all WKM components and suggested points for obvious third party bits and pieces like rx's etc.

I must admit, when looking over the bumf, they suggest a bracket but don't supply one and no where to fix it by the looks of things. Please remember I'm a novice when guffawing over that last comment.


There is a bracket in the WKM parts bags - with the GPS masts, but there's nowhere specific on the S800 to bolt it to.


Lovely, ta.

Thsnks everyone for this. I also think you all know, there will be many more questions as I go along. Who's ready for an adventure?


Righto. So far, so....OK.

I've managed to find a threadless screw for the landing legs and need another part.
I've got the base plate together and attached the IMU, controller, LEd and power adapter from the Wookong M box.
Before I carry on, is their a 'best' position for the Futaba reciever? Can I now close up the base plate and begin pairing the 8FG?

The company who sold me this has been of very little help and hard to get hold of. I want to do this myself so I understand it better, I think he is a bit miffed that I did him out of money for not putting it together and testing it for me?

Your knowledge is needed.

View attachment 8976The receiver antenna(s) dictate your optimal receiver location if you are wanting maximum radio range distance. Ref: the Futaba R/C manual for mounting the receiver and directing the two antennas @ 90 degrees to each other!!! Ideally that would mean the receiver would be mounted underneath the bottom plate at the back so that IOC, i.e., Intelligent Orientation Control can bring it on home before your flying machine needs to activate failsafe RTH. Mounting the receiver between the two plates would also be optimal if the bottom plate were made out of G10 instead of PCB/metal and/or Carbon Fiber laminate. Between the two plates provides better mechanical protection of all electronic components which should include the receiver assembly!
Now that I have switched over to the WKM GPS ground station I am using the LK900 transceiver which uses a rubber duck antenna needing to be pointed straight down. Once again it will be mounted under the bottom plate at the back. But I have landing legs underneath that can also protect exposed electronics such as this transceiver. Your choice!


  • WKM900Mhz.jpg
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Now mounting the 8FG reciever. S.bus intruction is to connect to X2 on the MC, however, X2 has the servo cable plug in it?

See page 9 of the WKM manual..... X1 is reserved for the PMU and X2 is reserved for the Futaba s.bus connection. Remove servo cable from X2!!
