The Ronin is a solid platform. There were many people testing it at NAB. The demo video was very impressive. I got comments from many Video Pros that they were buying when available. At less that $5K there is nothing on the market that compares. Believe me there is a lot of competition. Everyone has a handheld gimbal.
Thats a bit like saying the Zenmuse is a solid platform.
It is when it works, but tell that to all the users who have purchased a 5D Zenmuse the last few months and are waiting for an update to "fix" their problems.
It looked really impressive in the video, except you could see that the person was struggling to hide the roll axis being off.
A really good thing about it is the self levelling, that would make it pretty unique, but the real problem here is DJI they tend to release things before they are ready, and give customers no help whatsoever.
It is the resellers (and support people like yourself) that take the brunt of things, and to be honest there is not much you can do.
Just as an example, the 5D Zenmuse has been out now for a few months, there are loads of problems still to be addressed, but there has not been 1 mention of any kind of fix coming any time soon.
Is that acceptable for a £2000 product, not in my eyes.
Meanwhile DJI rub peoples noses in t showing a picture on their web site of the 5D Zenmuse with a Canon L 16-35mm lens, and not 1 single mention of it anywhere, not to mention that its pretty certain that a new Zenmuse will now be released a few months after everyone has bought probably that will include a new slipring to incorporate the Lightbridge USB cable directly.
Any other company would allow a return to upgrade to the latest product if it happened so quickly not DJI, quite frankly they do not really care about their previous customers who have just spent thousands on their products.
They are great at getting information about new products out there, they are not so great regarding customer support when there is probems, they let their resellers/support staff deal with that who usually do not have a definitive answer, they are usually guessing.