New DJI Inspire 1

Def not spam...
Inspire 1 is the new line of equipment.
T600 suggests a 600 mm rig.
Diversity antenna's.
2.4 and 5.8 tx.
The power on these tx is 5 times more powerful.
22 volt battery suggesting a hex 6 motor.
To be released before Dec. 15th.




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Seems to become a really interesting construction that solves a lot of the problems of current quadrocopters and FPV systems..

I googles a lot during the last days and found some new interestion construction sheets and explanation drawings for all this foldable stuff on the DJI Inspire 1

Dji inspire 1 news

They write that due to the upmoving arms together with the propellers, the propellers get out of the sight of the camera - so no more propellers in the videos..

Furthermote DJI Inspre will have a new 3D gimbal with a new custom 4K camera from DJI..

What do you think? Would you buy that Quad and sell your phantom 2 or phantom 2 vision+?


Will have to see what it's made of... I would think its the guts of the latest p2 with a updated vision + camera? It's brillant in that they can break away from gopro and at the same time make bank on the camera like gopro does on theirs.

i tell you they better get the customer service together along with well supplied parts for the dealers for all their products or I'm not biting.

I still think a person should build and setup either a f450 or f550 from the kit. Setting up the radio for the different modes and failsafes as well as the gains is invaluable. This really gives you a feel of what's needed to keep these MR's in the air especially after a mishap. It's critical. Those who buy the ready to fly and crash it are at the mercy of others to fix it and I could imagine how they feel, helpless.


New Member
That pivot mechanism sure looks like they incorporated the typical retractable landing gear with the frame itself. Then a mechanism, R/C switch and a nifty algothrim to move the arms up during flight to get the props out of the way.

DJI is smart about this, I'm sure they know their retractable landing gear is killing them on weight (so combine the frame into the landing gear).

I'm sat on the press release, images and videos all of which can be released to the wild at 1700 PST. The party though starts at 1630 and Veronica from our SFC office will be there tweeting, pretty much everything is out there now though. @sUASNews on Twitter

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
Not sure, just a marketing gimmick to me. Don't Apple do this all the time?

I'm sure it'll be a cool design, as most DJI things are, but will it be any good for professional work? I doubt it.

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
Certainly looks very Sci-fi! Reminds me of Oblivion...


There was a video earlier but it has disappeared now...


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