In the years I've been flying multirotors I've had a lot of weird things happen while flying but this is a first. Charged up a battery and went outside for a little night flying with a Multiwii Quad, cold out there but no wind and otherwise perfect conditions for flying. About a minute and a half into the flight I notice what I first thought was frosty air being blown down by the props followed by an OH S**T! as FLAMES appeared about half way down the left front arm! The frosty air was actually smoke :surprise:
Fortunately it wasn't far away so I brought it back as quickly as I could and landed then grabbed the battery leads and killed the power. The cause? The LED strip under that arm caught on fire...
As I said, I've had a lot of weird things happen while flying but seeing the left front arm burst into flames is definitely a first. Odd thing is this quad has a bunch of hours on it with these LEDs having been on there for most of them, no idea why it just all of a sudden decided to flame up
Fortunately it wasn't far away so I brought it back as quickly as I could and landed then grabbed the battery leads and killed the power. The cause? The LED strip under that arm caught on fire...
As I said, I've had a lot of weird things happen while flying but seeing the left front arm burst into flames is definitely a first. Odd thing is this quad has a bunch of hours on it with these LEDs having been on there for most of them, no idea why it just all of a sudden decided to flame up