NAZA w/ GPS (barometer and Sun)

Here is an interesting read with a new video from a NAZA +GPS user.

Below is the video posters text comments which may need some confirmation on his discovery.
Please chime in.

(video's text)
In my last video I had complained about sudden drops while yawing with the sun low in the sky.

Turns out the barometer is on the left side of the naza and if it gets hit by the sun it will cause the drops.

I covered my naza and it does not do this anymore. I am very happy with the naza and gps add on.

The only room for improvement would be the way the naza handles the descents.

It is pretty wobbly. It would be good if DJI could take a look at trying to make this better. Otherwise I give this product a hearty thumbs up!


Good find, I realized that there's a green light lit on inside the Naza that indicates the health status of the barometer, I wonder if it changes color.


This is a nice find. I know some systems require that it's not exposed to direct sun light. That may explain some control issues that I read about. I kept the flight electronics cover in case of crashing. My IMU was nested out of direct exposure to outside air. While adjusting gains I also noticed a faint green light glowing inside the IMU. I think I've seen it turn red if something is not right. I forgot what I was doing while adjusting gains. I think I didn't have a wire connected right and the light was red on the inside.

I'm going to have to re-read the Naza manual.
I really hope it says something about this subject.

Some of the stuff I've seen on the forum this past 2 months is really heartbreaking and tough to accept.
Are we keeping the name Multirotorforum, or is Bart changing it to BetaTesterForumsDotcom?


I'm going to have to re-read the Naza manual.
I really hope it says something about this subject.

Some of the stuff I've seen on the forum this past 2 months is really heartbreaking and tough to accept.
Are we keeping the name Multirotorforum, or is Bart changing it to BetaTesterForumsDotcom?

I think DJI has an excellent product. All of my flights were flawless. The fatal crash that I had was a result of a prop breaking in flight. If my WKM was totalled I would buy the NAZA with GPS upgrade. I think some of the gripes stem from DJI marketing. The ease of assembly and flight control for me was excellent. There are other competitors that are certainly going to give DJI a run for their money. I think the fact that there is competition is why DJI has added many of the same features to the NAZA system.

I'm happy with the product.


Hello Friends. This is my first post here and I have a quick question. I have the Naza control in a Gaui 500x and seem to be having a little trouble getting used to it's flight characteristics. I've been wondering about something since I flew it into the lake on my third flight. I noticed after repairs that the red LED in the MC not the VU has a slight flicker to it while the control is on. The transmitter is on and the multi-copter and motors still while sitting on the ground. The flicker is very slight and just noticeable. The craft seems to be flying correctly but I'm completely inexperience with this and can't be sure. I seem to be getting some drift which makes it harder to fly. Can anyone look at their MC and let me know if the red LED inside the case of the MC is rock solid or if there's a tiny random flicker?
Kindest regards to all.
John H.

I'm red /green color deficient, but can deal with separate traffic lights well.
The NAZA's single BEC/LED with one LED showing a status is a bit troublesome.

The flicker you see...
Is it a fast blink rate or a flicker like an electrical mishap?
Can you post a youtube vid or one on vimeo?
(Opinion)...You will get good responses if you show everyone the details with video.

The NAZA will show a fast blink when you give it inputs "in the ATTi" mode. goes to a softer blinking pattern with no user stick input.

I'm not sure the benefit of telling us we are touching the sticks are as important as I'm guessing though.
I wish the Naza BEC/LED was a red /blue pattern or something really noticeable to the normal color deficient guys!

The DJI Woookong M flight control uses blue "I think".


Hello TooMany. I don't think we are talking about the same LED. The one I'm talking about is inside the case of the MC itself. It is only visible through the case and is red only. I mentioned not touching the sticks because moving them would certainly make the MC respond in some way. The flicker does seem to be random but it may be the processor checking status of any of the devices on board. I just thought of something. Maybe instead of asking you to look at the status of the LED on the MC, I should ask if you have a red LED on at all. Maybe I have one on because something is wrong. Do I know you. I knew someone in the Cleveland R/C club or the Corsair Club in Akron that has the same problem with the colors. Anyway. If this picture attachéd works things should be clear about the Diode I'm talking about. Just under the word Naza and it has a just noticeable random flicker.
John H.
View attachment 5053


  • Naza LED.jpg
    Naza LED.jpg
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pendejo grande
Hi Dad, yeah I have the same light and there's nothing wrong with my 450 naza cept for the jaboni running the sticks. I think it's there to let you know naza has power like on your rx.
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Hey Jaboni at the sticks. Thanks I thought the same. There aren't many R/C devices that are without a power LED. The thing I questioned was whether or not it should be flickering while everything is sitting still. It almost looks like the control is initiating something with enough current drain that the diode dims slightly in a random manner. I hate to be a pest but does your LED stay on with a constant brightness or does it have a very slight flicker to it?
Thanks a lot.
The other Jaboni at the helm.


Thank you. I mailed Naza with the question, they referred me to where I bought it ( Flying Hobby told me to send it to them and they'd send it to Naza for repair. I couldn't even get anyone to understand what LED I was talking about.
I'm going flying.
John H.


So my Naza-M V1 (V4.02) has began developing a barometer problem. it used to work well, but lately its seriously acting up and has become unflyable in Alt-Hold or GPS modes.

here is a video:

This unit is covered in black tape, and it is still happenning.
any ideas guys ? seems like a faulty barometer to me.


Gettin Old
Try flying again in a new site
those power lines will not be helping you

The Naza only needs tape along the left hand side to stop rise and fall due to sunlight and not all Naza's need it

There is a known problem with the baro sticking and needing a bit of a sharp lite tap on a hard surface

But if it is under warranty send it back, A mate of mine did with the v1 and DJI sent him a new v2 complete set
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Try flying again in a new site
those power lines will not be helping you

The Naza only needs tape along the left hand side to stop rise and fall due to sunlight and not all Naza's need it

There is a known problem with the baro sticking and needing a bit of a sharp lite tap on a hard surface

But if it is under warranty send it back, A mate of mine did with the v1 and DJI sent him a new v2 complete set

flew it in 2 sites 50Km apart. the same results.
