NAZA V2 w/ Zenmuse H3-D2 gimbal / stabilized while 'mixing' manual input?



Hey guys, I'm trying to hear back from those of you who have run a NAZA V2 with H3-2D Zenmuse Module. It looks easy enough to get it connected and automatically leveling the gimbal during flight, but have any of you been able to "mix" manual input from a couple channels on the receiver (pan/tilt) with the instruction the gimbal is getting from the Zenmuse Module? Best example would be, I have the a fixed wing doing a big downward left dive – the gimbal is correcting by tilting right and back, keeping the camera mount even with the horizon – at the same time (whether using the input from FatShark Goggles, or directly from the transmitter analog stick) I want to tilt the gimble down. The idea is that NAZA V2 is sending instruction to the servos to keep the camera mount held level.. then on top of that, as if that was "center" for the servos, I'd want to accept input from an analog stick to alter those values and pan/tilt the camera from wherever level is.

I’ve seen people use a single channel to switch from stabilized gimbal to manual, using two other channels to then control the camera manually, but what I’m looking to do is essentially a mix of both. Is this possible?



A better question would probably be: Could I just use a v-tail mixing harness, or something as simple as that to mix signals 1 to 1. Meaning, if I had two channels both 'mixing' into one servo, if I sent -100% and +100%, it would simply stay put. I'm looking to have the two channels of input 'compete' before it sends the signal to the servo. Another example; one signal is -50% and the other is -25%, the servo would be getting the signal to be at -75% position. Thanks for any help, much appreciated!

Tahoe Ed

Active Member
The H3-2D operates off the can bus not the gimbal channel to you are limited to tilt only via the X1 channel.


The H3-2D operates off the can bus not the gimbal channel to you are limited to tilt only via the X1 channel.

Curious, will it "mix" your input on the X1 channel with whatever leveling it's doing via the leveling module? I may be okay with just a tilt control. Also curious if the output from the module to the gimble servos is PWM or otherwise (not sure what brushless use for signal :/) Thanks for the quick reply!
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