Naza V2 Firmware on Naza V1 Hardware


Hi Guys

I am puzzled!
Have been hearing its possible to upgrade to Naza V2 firmware on V2 hardware with the new Assistant Software.
When I try, I get the announcement that there is new firmware 3.1 available.
But after closing that announcement pop up, I cant seem to upgrade it because it says no update is available.
What gives???

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When I went through the process, I got a bit confused as well. I know I clicked on the No Updates text in blue, and then it actually did say there was an update, and I was able to download and update. I know it was just a trial and error thing that I did before I finally got it working. Oddly enough, even though I updated to the latest, I still get the "There Are New Updates" window every time I launch the software assistant.

BTW, you'll love the new software. For my F450, it seems to fly so much more stable and holds altitude much better IMO. The new takeoff feature is really nice as well! And now, via the LED, you can tell if the Naza thinks all controls are centered (double blink versus single blink) so you can tell if it things it should be holding altitude or not.


Thanks Pro

I did try clicking on the No Updates hyperlink...but I get a pop up saying No Firmware updates.

I am wondering if it has anything to do with my current firmware.
2.02, software 1.8.
When going to DJI website, I cant seem to find this software/firmware combination anymore. Have they pulled it?
Instead, I see for naza V1, the latest (V1) firmware/software is 2.01/1.6

I tried downloading the 1.6 software, but again can't downgrade the firmware to 2.01



Hi Guys

I am puzzled!
Have been hearing its possible to upgrade to Naza V2 firmware on V2 hardware with the new Assistant Software.
When I try, I get the announcement that there is new firmware 3.1 available.
But after closing that announcement pop up, I cant seem to upgrade it because it says no update is available.
What gives???

View attachment 14876View attachment 14877
I would assume the Naza V2 hardware would already have the Naza V2 firmware installed, are you trying to install the 3.10 FW on a V1 Naza????????


Merlin of Multirotors
I would assume the Naza V2 hardware would already have the Naza V2 firmware installed, are you trying to install the 3.10 FW on a V1 Naza????????

The 3.10 firmware works fine on the V1 Naza, I have it on one of mine. In the Assistant you should be able to do a manual update as long as the DJI server is online and accessible, occasionally there's a problem and you can't get to it for whatever reason. I just checked and can get to it no problem so you may have a problem at your end if its not finding the update.


P.S. The standard Naza and Phantom use different firmware, don't try using the standard on a Phantom or Phantom firmware on the regular Naza for pre 3.10 versions...
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Mr take no prisoners!
Don't forget you have to load the new 2.1 software on your PC and do the upgrade from there guys.



Saw a post on another forum that stated that DJI had pulled the new update down because it's buggy and they want to fix it.

No idea if that's true and I can't find anything official.

I've been holding off kind of expecting something like this.


The 3.10 firmware works fine on the V1 Naza, I have it on one of mine. In the Assistant you should be able to do a manual update as long as the DJI server is online and accessible, occasionally there's a problem and you can't get to it for whatever reason. I just checked and can get to it no problem so you may have a problem at your end if its not finding the update.


P.S. The standard Naza and Phantom use different firmware, don't try using the standard on a Phantom or Phantom firmware on the regular Naza for pre 3.10 versions...

Sorry, I didn't read the title in the OP's post, I just read the body of the message wanting to know about installing V2 software on a V2 Naza, think it is supposed to say on a V1 controller instead. I have the 3.10 installed on my V1, no problems here.


Hi Diogo

Are you still having the same problem?
I have now tried using the v2.1 software assistant on another older laptop (previously was trying on windows 8).
I still get the same reads my firmware as 2.02 but when clicking only 'No Updates' hyperlink,
it says no upgrades available.

May sound weird, but I wonder if it is a case of maybe DJI is limiting upgrades geographically?
I live in Singapore.

The other thing I find weird is how come Software Assistant 1.8 (FW 2.02) is no longer on their website?
Still was wondering if I needed Software 1.6 (FW 2.01) to do the upgrade to 3.1 firmware...but even
then, Software 1.6 refuses to downgrade my, the process checklist where they show little
green circles next to the steps....i get red crosses at Athentication onwards


got the same problem using Software Assistant 1.8 (FW 2.02) it reads No Updates available

i just found this post at rc groups

About Naza-M V3.10 firmware

Since the Naza-M V3.10 firmware has been launched, we received some feedbacks that the aircraft cannot be armed after updating and the center position of the stick is abnormal.

We currently suspended the upgrade of firmware V3.10. And DJI will release new firmware in the very near future.

For those who had already upgraded the firmware V3.10, you can use the Assistant Software V1.8 to restore to firmware V2.02, and you can download the software from:

but when you go to the link you get a 404 eror page not found
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That's rather unfortunate for everyone that's having problems. Although it takes a while to arm for me, it flies smooth as can be.

What does "arming" mean in this context? I have the 3.1 software and have been enjoying it with no issues, just improvements over what I had. But I didn't get what DJI meant by "cannot be armed", then Zeke mentioned the same thing.



thanks for the info badmofo. do u happen to know if the problem is specific to V1 hardware + FW 3.1?
or is the problem also in V2 hardware + FW 3.1?

got the same problem using Software Assistant 1.8 (FW 2.02) it reads No Updates available

i just found this post at rc groups

About Naza-M V3.10 firmware

Since the Naza-M V3.10 firmware has been launched, we received some feedbacks that the aircraft cannot be armed after updating and the center position of the stick is abnormal.

We currently suspended the upgrade of firmware V3.10. And DJI will release new firmware in the very near future.

For those who had already upgraded the firmware V3.10, you can use the Assistant Software V1.8 to restore to firmware V2.02, and you can download the software from:

but when you go to the link you get a 404 eror page not found


What does "arming" mean in this context? I have the 3.1 software and have been enjoying it with no issues, just improvements over what I had. But I didn't get what DJI meant by "cannot be armed", then Zeke mentioned the same thing.
Arming means starting the brush-less motors.

The reason some may be having problems upgrading is that DJI have pulled the firmware update to firmware v3.10 due to issues with calibration of TX with the NAZA.
This is potentially dangerous and has already caused a lot of damage to peoples machines. Some reporting flips on takeoff, mid air motor stops and the arming issue. All appear due to the fact the firmware does not save calibration data once re-booted leaving machines unable to arm, they are the lucky ones because they can't leave terra firma, the unlucky ones did arm and powered up to watch in amazement an immediate flips and some mid-air motor stops..... crashes.


got the same problem using Software Assistant 1.8 (FW 2.02) it reads No Updates available

i just found this post at rc groups

About Naza-M V3.10 firmware

Since the Naza-M V3.10 firmware has been launched, we received some feedbacks that the aircraft cannot be armed after updating and the center position of the stick is abnormal.

We currently suspended the upgrade of firmware V3.10. And DJI will release new firmware in the very near future.

For those who had already upgraded the firmware V3.10, you can use the Assistant Software V1.8 to restore to firmware V2.02, and you can download the software from:

but when you go to the link you get a 404 eror page not found

Thanks, what I posted yesterday turned out to be true.

Man am I glad I don't jump on things like this. I actually put my quad on the bench and started looking into upgrading and stopped a few minutes before I was set to start hooking things up. I thought "hmmmm, MS screws this kind of stuff up all the time, what's the chance that DJI is going to have problems?", and well.... ya.

Hi All, Have upgraded two quads and one hex without problem other than having to recalibrate radio inputs. Because it all went so smooth I have now set them all FS return to home and this works very well :nevreness:. All NAZA V1. Cheers Dave


This is a bummer. I hear about these problems caused by the new firmware, but the new takeoff and the much more stable flight is so nice, I'm stuck between downgrading or keeping it here. Hopefully they just release a 3.1.1 or something to fix these glitches.
