NAZA M hard landing


I was flying my hexacopter this weekend and had been adjusting gains. I've noticed that on descent I get kind of a corkscrewing motion so I'd been playing around with the vertical gain.

I'd just lowered it by 10 and flew away from me about 50 feet. I was doing a slight climb and yaw at the same time and suddenly the hexacopter started cork screwing badly. It started coming straight down as if in a fast descent. I throttled up to full power trying to slow it but there was no response. I landed hard and broke 2 arms and one landing gear.

I have an IOSD Mark II and looked at the logs.

Not sure I totally understand how to read them. There was a lot of wild roll, pitch, yaw change at the point of crash. The motors all seem to be wildly powering up and down

Anyone seen anything like this?


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I'm not sure that's it. It was flying perfect. I can yaw perfectly without any TBE. I never have any TBE when flying. This was a loss of input control and the aircraft was not acting like it was rotating around a point off the center of the aircraft.

It was like it was spinning around it's center (not TBE) but pitching in a cyclic fashion. It would be like taking the aleron and elevator stick and rapidly moving it in a circle. When
