Naza GPS yaw issue


I have the same problem with my large hexa. It originally had a ´bowl effect´ problem which I got rid of by turning the GPS clockwise. Now if I yaw in GPS mode, the heli wanders off about 2 to 3 meters, stops, and returns to starting position. Yaw rate doesn't affect. My other smaller hexa with Naza doesn't have this problem. Both helis have Graupner 11x5 props. Could this be a propeller problem?


New Member
Hi, old post but I have the same issue with my naza, tried almost everything :
changed propellers, motors, esc position, flashed firmware, calibrated GPS and imu severals times...
the problem is still there !
the quad fly perfect up/down left/right front/back but drift a lot when yam, about 3 meters...

here a video example :

does anybody found a solution to this problem ?

many thanx !

Dave Pallant

New Member
Prop size

does anybody found a solution to this problem ?

many thanx !

I know I am replying to an old post here but just want to add that I have just had to solve a different issue in that my unladen F450 with 1045 props was wobbling around a lot on a wide range of gains. It also had the yaw/rudder drift problem. During a single rotation it would move 2 or 3m to one side. When the yaw stopped it would move back to it's original position (GPS mode). The wobble problem was annoying enough that I have gone back to 8in props for now, the wobble has gone and so too has the drift in yaw.

Maybe once I have more weight on the quad (bigger battery, camera etc) the motors will need to spin faster with the stock 1045 props and the Naza will have better control again?



I too am having the same" travelling" when yawing. Hover is rock steady, But travels in a circle , clockwise when yawing clockwise and vice versa. I have balanced the props, checked that all motor shafts are mounted vertical ( looking for suggestions on how to do this more accurately than by eye), XYZ coordinates are right, and my MR is very well balanced.?? would love some help??


Just a mention here, I at first, thought that the XYZ settings were intended for the location of the GPS "puck". But I believe it to be the location of the MC, which if mounted center of gravity, will always be 0,0,0 The GPS "puck/antenna" can go anywhere, preferably away from other antennas. Am I right ???????? :tennis:


I have experienced the same problem of movement during yaw, I adjusted my battery positions to improve the COG around what it should be and no Yaw.

It seams to me that on a A2 where you enter the distance from the COG to the IMU this is very important in YAW calculations, for Naza users you need to get the naza as close to the COG as possible.

Matt Kent

New Member
I know this is an old thread, but I've searched through here, google, youtube, and other forms and haven't found a single post where someone's found a solution. It's been quite a few years, so I'm guessing someone's had to have figured this out.

From reading through this thread, I'm guessing the issue is related somehow to props, and/or motor rotation.

For my setup, I have a 680pro with Meewer 13.5" props, and sunnysky 380kv motors. Everything's running pretty smooth, my gains feel pretty solid, but my bird wanders pretty bad after spinning left or right. Any suggestions would be a god-send!
